Dark Moments

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"Are you behaving here? Not causing any trouble?" My Mama asked me.

I open my mouth to say that "yes, I am behaving and not causing trouble" but I stopped myself.

My mother winced, "It's too much to ask that, right?"

"I'm sorry Mama, Baba..." I feel ashamed that I am subjecting my parents to this kind of humiliation.

"You are doing great," my father said before he pats my head. "Dayu ah, if things became too much, come home..."

I stared at my father. I smiled at him, "Khan is your friend too, right? That is why you are confident to let me go and let him deal with me,"

My father sighed. "Still, it's your wrong to make a deal with people like Khan. He is my friend, yes, but don't think for a moment that he is a saint. He is a mafia boss. More than anything, he is dangerous. And so is the King..."

"Xin..." my mother gave my father a disapproving glance.

"Dayu needs to understand this, Yue. I grew up with Lei, Shouwei and Khan. The four of us, we are friends. But times change. We also changed. Priorities changed. You are my son. Lei has his own son. Don't think for a moment that the King will choose you over Qing. No. He will not. Like I will not choose Qing over you. If it became too much, Dayu ah...come back home." My father gave me a grave stare.


"Promise me." Baba said.

I sighed then I nodded. "I will Baba. I will go back to you and Mama, if I cannot take it anymore..."

My Baba nodded, satisfied to get my words. I winced. I lied many times to my parents, yet they always believe me when I made a promise. Their inexhaustible trust and faith on me is staggering and humbling.

But for some reason, I cannot call my Baba and Mama's home as my home also. I think, Qing is my home now. In his arms, I felt the safest and happiest.

With one last hug from each of them my parents said their goodbye as they went to the King and Queen to say their farewell too. Qing bowed to them respectfully. I saw my father hesitated for a bit before he pats Qing's shoulder.

Whatever it is that is happening on my father's head, even if he gave his blessing to us. I know, he is not trusting the Royal Family fully.

He still has his reservations.

But that is my father. Ever the cautious, that is why he didn't try to serve the Royal Family. For him, being in the vicinity of the Royal Family is a hassle he cannot take. Plus having a son like me. He said, he wanted to concentrate on raising me instead of being busy in serving the Royal Family. But he has high respect to Mr.Shouwei.

That's what he said when I asked him why he won't follow GrandPa's footsteps.

My father is a complicated man. But one thing you can expect from him, he will always choose me and Mama first. More than anything or anyone, family is priority for him.

I think I want to be like him, someday.


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