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I know something is wrong because my Prince is out of sort all day. Dayu was also out of sort after he came out of the Prince's room after that kiss I witnessed.

This is what I am afraid of. That my two friends will start behaving like this after they delve a bit deeper in their true feelings for each other.

It would be nice if we can all be just friend. But that will not be possible with Dayu and Qing having too deep of a connection to each other.

That is why I am here, under the balcony of the Consort to be to supervise the workers as they put on a sign on the wall near the window that said that the window is broken and in need of repair. The reason why we also put a long and sturdy ladder close to the balcony.

A ladder that can withstand someone with a 6'3 height and weighing at least 75 kilogram.

Knowing Qing, he will try to climb this balcony again. No need to put my Prince in risk if I can do something about it.

"There, it's done now, Manager Lao. But I don't understand, the window on the room of the Consort to be is not broken why do we have too..." one of the worker scratched his head as he gaze up to the windows.

"It's broken," I said blandly.

"I don't think...yes Manager Lao," the last one was because I gave him a cold glare that I always copy from Qing. I can be strict, but I can't do cold.

Speaking of cold. I think Dayu is developing one. He keeps on sniffing and looking away from Qing while having dinner last night.

Actually, I am not sure what to think about that affair at all. The King looked puzzled. Crown Prince Qing looked resigned and quiet. Dayu is subdued. The Queen and Queen Dowager looked satisfied while Princess Baozang...

Princess Baozang...she...


"Lao," my uncle, the Royal Manager Shouwei, came to my side. "I don't think it's broken..." he mussed.

The two workers were about to agree but I glared at them and signaled them to leave.

"It's broken, Uncle." I said as the workers walk away still scratching their heads.

My uncle smile, "Is something going on with the Crown Prince and his soon to be intended?"

"Nothing, Uncle." I readily said.

"Good! Be loyal to the both of them, Lao. Never spill their secrets, even to your own blood," my uncle was satisfied at me. He should be, he is the one training me.

He gazed at the window and the ladder again, "Not very original though. King Dao had already done that before," my uncle said before laughing and leaving.

I sighed. I really don't know what to do for them Uncle, except this. I said as I watch my uncle leave.



Lao's effort will proved to be useless as I never used the ladder he put there. Dayu's balcony remained shut tight while I contend myself to just walk passed under it.

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