Sure Thing

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I arrange Qing's tie while we wait for the PR Manager of the Royal Family to call us. Once again, the Palace invited the media people and they now gather inside the press conference room.

But this time, Qing will not be alone in facing them. I will be with him because today, we will formally announce the date for the Engagement Ball.

After the announcement today, nothing can stop us anymore. Qing and I...our life together will be a sure thing...

My eyes turn up to take a glance at Qing's face, he is looking down at me with a smile in his lips. I flush happily and smile back at him.

He lean down to kiss me but Lao, the killjoy, stopped him.

"You are both wearing make ups. Do not smear Dayu's lipstick before you face the media. His make up artist will have a diva fit if she had to retouch Dayu's lipstick minutes before the Big Show," Lao said. Chong moaned his agreement.

Qing frowned at me, "You are wearing lipsticks? But your lips color doesn't show it,"

"It was applied very carefully and just thinly. But it makes my lips shine and be more kissable," I smack my lips and pout it to tease him.

"Lao! Dayu is teasing me! He is saying he wants a kiss!" Qing laughingly tattle to Lao.

"Dayu ah!" Lao reprimanded me.

I hit Qing's chest lightly. Qing hugged me. I hugged him back. So happy to be in his arms in this day.

Happy. That is my constant mood since coming back to the Palace. Also elated and in cloud nine. Ecstatic can be use to describe me too.

I don't even feel nervous as I walk the hall to the press conference room when we are called because everything is ready. Qing is holding my hand, why should I be nervous?

When the double door of the room opened, flashes of lights showered us. I kept my face serene looking and just content myself to be guided by Qing.

He is also the one who stood on the podium with the microphone while I stand a bit behind him.

"Hello. I am Crown Prince Wang Qing of the Royal Family. And I want you all to meet, at least formally, my fiance..." he stopped when someone signaled him. "What? Oh, he is still not my fiance? Why? Really? But we kissed already..."

Everyone laughed at his antics. I blushed behind him and bow down to hide my face. But I am smiling.

"Anyways. Let me introduce to all of you, the man I will marry. Feng Jian Yu," Qing took a step aside to let me step forward to speak on the mic.

"Hello," I greeted them politely then bow down. "I am Feng Jian Yu,"

"My fiance," Qing said. "Tell them you are my fiance..."

I laugh at him. Everyone was tickled too. Qing is being very playful.

I sighed, "He is forcing me to say it. Okay...let me repeat it again. Hello, I am Feng Jian Yu, Crown Prince Wang Qing's fiance...oh my..." I flushed in shyness at what I just did.

The cameras kept on flashing. Then I step aside to give the mic to Qing again.

"We are here to announce that our Engagement Ball will be held one week from now, here in the Palace. The invitations are out. And we are ready to be engage together," He smiled at me. I nodded.

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