Face to Face

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An ex of my fiance kissed him. So what is the big deal?

Nothing! That's what!

I smile as the press and cameras focused on me. It's everywhere, that scene and photos of the Crown Prince kissing a girl in the ribbon cutting event for his sister's clothing shop.

Kissing someone else while the Crown Prince's fiance, which is me, watches.

Well, I am not the only one who witnessed it so don't think I am anyone special or something. A lot of people saw that kiss. A lot...

But not everyone is the fiance of the Crown Prince. I have that priviledge.

And that is the exact reason why the press and everyone else are alla clamoring to see me. Talk to me. Ask me and hear my answer about what I feel about that kiss.

I want to laugh hard. I wonder what exactly they wanted to hear from me. But all I know is that they will be greatly disappointed at me. I am not someone who reacts according to what people expect from me.

I am a soon to be Consort. That title alone separates me from everyone.

I will be a Consort. I am a Consort. And I will act and speak according to my status.

A Royal Consort.

I keep the smile on my face, "What is the question again?"

I am inside the press conference room inside the Palace. The last time I came here, Qing and I announced the date for our Engagement Ball almost a month ago. How time flies...

So many things had happened in those times. An Engagement Ball. A suppose threat to the Crown Prince. And now, a kissing incident.

We just don't know when to rest and stop giving people something to talk about. This Royal Family...

The press people came here in the Palace in the early hour of the day, asking permission to hear a few words from the Crown Prince's fiance.

"How do you feel about that kiss?" A newpaper writer asked me.

"Are you married, Sir?" I asked him in return. He nodded. I smile again, "What I felt is the same exact thing you will feel if you saw your wife kissing another person," I said before calling someone else to ask me a question.

"So you are angry?" A woman in a severe businees suit asked.

"Do you guys think I am angry?" I asked them back.

They look at each other. Clearly mystified in my answers. They are not getting a clear message from me. And I cannot blame them, as I am giving vague answers and replying to their questions with questions of my own.

I sighed, "To be honest I am still weighing things on my head. Funny, because my family and friends always told me I am the implusive type. But when it comes to these kind of things, I am really slow on the uptake. I need more time to sort out myself. But this one thing, I am sure of. I am not mad at Wang Qing. I am not angry at your Crown Prince. I don't blame that incident on him. But aside from that, my feelings are still unsettled," I said honetly.

"Have you talked to the Crown Prince? Did you give him a chance to explain?" Someone asked.

I frowned, "No, I haven't talk to him yet because some reporters are in a hurry to interview me," I smile when they laugh at my stab for humor. I sighed, "I think what happened last night is self explanatory. I saw what happened. The Crown Prince was taken by surprise, I was surprised. We were all surprised. I guess she is good at surprising people, then," I nodded to all of them. "The Crown Prince had nothing to explain to me. I am thankful to him actually, he is giving me the space and time to settle myself and think things through."

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