Get to Know Each Other Again

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I have a temper. I will admit to that.

Probably one of my lethal flaws, I got a temper that no one will be safe if it flared.

That is why learning Taekwondo, Aikido and Judo had been important to me so I can channel my emotions and temper properly. Knowing I can seriously hurt people if I am in one of my rages also helped to calm me down a bit.

I don't want to hurt people. But if Qing and Lao will provoke me...them I will hurt.

Not because they are paying me, it will mean that I will lie on my back and show them my belly like a good trained dog.

I am not a dog. And my parents and senseis can be witnesses: I am hard to train too. My temper is the reason why I didn't make it to the National Team of Taekwondo and Judo. The National Aikido Team flatly refused to even let me apply to their rooster.

I sighed and I felt Qing scramble to sit properly on the opposite side of the breakfast nook. When I look up to stare at him he coughed and avoid meeting my eyes. Looking a little afraid.

Ah yes, of course they knew about my temper. I used to chase them and wrestle them while angrily shouting at them when they bully me.

I hate people ganging up on me. Just because I am shorter or on the skinny side of the fence, doesn't mean everyone can underestimate me.

I will show anyone what this skinny lean body can do.

I halfheartedly listen and write his answers to the stupid slum boom Lao gave us.

So far, I listed things about Qing that I can read in any profile of his million web site dedicated to him by his fans.

Favorite Color: Black. Earth tone.
Favorite Sports: Basketball
Favorite Hobby: Horseback Riding
Favorite Thing: Cars
Favorite Food: Anything Healthy
Favorite Fruit: Not sour
Motto: "Fuck that Dayu, I will not answer that one"

The last one was only a bit long and I am not sure what kind of motto is that but I am an obedient friend and like what Lao said, I write what Qing is telling me.

Now it is Qing's turn to ask me...

"Favorite fruit?" His tone is bored beyond belief.

"Banana," I answered automatically.

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite sports? Jesus this is insane..."

"I am not insane...yet. Ask me again tomorrow."

"What?!" Qing gave me a glare.

"What?" I asked back.

He sighed, "Please pay attention. Favorite sports?"


"Favorite food?"


His one eyebrow raised. "You are not taking this seriously, right? Banana, meat? The next thing you know you will give me answers like c*ck, d*ck and bl*wjobs,"

My forehead creased, "What in the world are you talking about? I love bananas, they are great source of pottasium and they are good as energy booster. I love protein. I love meat. Pork, chicken, beef...but my favorite is pork. What is...oh my God!"

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