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Prince Qing was quiet while we are going home. When we got to the Palace, he left me to his family to walk to the Pavilion.

I watched his back as he leaves. The Queen standing beside me.

"Are you really okay, Dayu?" She asked me.

I nodded and smile a little, "Yes, your Majesty. Please have a good rest," I think we all need some rest after that commotion on the theater before we went home.

"You too," she smiled at me. Princess Baozang hugged me before following her mother. The King, he pat my shoulder before leaving too.

I sighed and unclipped my bow tie before climbing the grand staircase that will take me to the second floor. I turn right, the room I'm currently occupying is on the right wing of the Palace.

I dismissed the attendants. I still have no valet, as I refused the King's offer to give me one. I said I can dress myself. The King's valet is teaching me on how to tie, clasp and button my clothes properly though.

Those clothes, Qing gave them to me. He said, "If you are acting as my Consort, then you also have to dress the part."

"But I can't afford those..." I point at the expensive shirts, pants and other stuffs he bought for me.

"Think of it as my investment. It's part of your job to wear nice clothes for a change," he said clearly mocking my wardrobe of jeans and shirts.

Now I own different arrays of clothes and outfits, not to mention accessories. I drew the line when he wants to give me watches and jewelries. I decided to just borrow those to the stylists of the Royal Family. They have a Department for just dressing the family.

How fuck up is that?

I sighed. I think it's starting to sink in. This Royal life I am leading. What being a part of the Royal Family means.

I can't act rashly. I have to dress to the nines all the time. Watch my words carefully. Be respectful but also command the respect of others. Always think that people are watching and listening to you. You are a model, mistakes can be fatal.

People will swarm at you. They have to help you and you have to accept their help are Royalty and it means that you have to be served but at the same time be self sufficient.

It's a confusing and tiring and scary life. Always being monitored. You don't know who to trust. To expect someone to just jump out of nowhere and try to be close to you.

No wonder Qing doesn't want his ladylove to experience this kind of life. This life is not for the faint hearted. This life means you have to think fast on your feet and tolerate a lot of things.

Even I'm having a doubt if I can survive this.

I went to the connecting bathroom on my room. It's a luxurious bathroom. With a huge shower stall and a tub big enough to fit five people inside it. Eveything you can possibly need is in there. From the towels to aromatic oils to toiletries.

If I will allow it, I can also have someone here to help me bath.

No! Just no.

I splash water on my face and look in the mirror. I wonder if I can get out of here three month from now and still be the same Dayu. A bit screwed up, yes, but normal and common.

Being Royalty means you are standing out in a crowd. Like a sore thumb.

"Jaiyo, Dayu!" I smiled mockingly at myself.

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