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Chong telling me that he had talked to Lao, and that everything is cool, had been a big relief to me. I never want to lose Lao. I will never be ready for that. Not in this lifetime.

"But he is serious about that break after the wedding. I think he plans to travel around as you and the Consort go to your honeymoon," Chong said as we go through our plan again. "And I might go with him." He added.

My eyebrow arched at that. I knew Chong is gay but Lao is as straight as he can be. And frankly, I don't see the two of them suddenly doing a Dayu and me. Meaning falling in love. Lao is too stoic for that, Chong is too...cynical for love.

"Should I be worried?" I asked Chong casually. "About you and my Aide going away together?"

Chong laughed, "You should be worried that you will have a honeymoon with Dayu without me and Lao there to buffer between the two of you. This might be mean but I think you will not survive it without us. You meaning you," he points at me.

I laughed. Yeah, Dayu will kill me. Either with too much sex or with all his crazy antics.

Last night, like the last four nights that we were not together, Dayu called me before turning in to whine about his father. Something to do with his father still saying no and watching gay porn for him.

Dayu's father loves my fiance so much he doesn't care if his son is gay. He is the kind of father who will watch gay porn to make sure he can explain what gay sex looks like to his gay son.

"We never have that talk, but he keeps on harping about condoms and lube all the time while I was in my teenage years. I should have known, right?" Then Dayu will moan like a wounded animal.

"I think he is close to saying yes. Aside from yearly check up with the Palace physician and annual use of the Royal honeymoon suite in you hotel, what other incentives can we give him as a bribe to him so he will say yes?" Dayu asked.

"Will my autograph do?" I teased him. "Someone post my autograph in a buy and sell site, it was sold for fifteen thousand yuan."

Dayu was gobsmacked. "Someone paid fifteen thousand yuan for your signature alone? What the hell? Why didn't you tell this to me sooner?! Quick! Grab a pen and marker and start signing things. I will make an account on that site and start selling things with your signature. I will be rich!"

I laughed. Dayu whined, "Is that story a joke?"

"No, it's real."

"Then start signing things! Wang Qing! Let's get rich!"

He made me laugh again. Ah Dayu. What will I do without him?

"Stop smiling like a crazy person?" Chong woke me up from reminiscin' my phone calls with Dayu.

"Am I a crazy person for smiling while thinking of my fiance?" I asked Chong back.

"No," he shook his head. "But it's creepy and cringy," he shudders.

I stared at Chong. He is checking his gun, the one I got for him. He killed Shunu for me. For that I will be forevwr grateful for him. I am a coward. I couldn't do it myself because I had a past with her, but I want her gone so I turn to Chong to do it for me.

And he done it. Doing it perfectly that even Shunu parents are convinced that Shunu really killed herself.

I owe Chong a lot.

And I will owe him some more once we eliminated Heise tomorrow.

Heise will be moved from the Palace to a regular Prison Institution. Chong's plan? Ambush the moving vehicle and kill Heise.

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