Fear of the Unknown

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Lao and Chong are acting rather peculiar. While Dayu and I did an interview for a program with a live audience, Lao and Chong kept on looking around the crowd. They are also very interested in the outline of the studio and the building. Asking where are the exits. They also instructed everyone on our team, consisting of two security personnel for me and three assistants that carry our stuffs to be alert and focus on ther works.

It's like they are getting ready for something to happen. What it is, I don't know but I am not liking it.

Lao and Chong, they look unrested. Even if they are dressed properly and there hairs are styled they still look a bit...ruffled.

I don't know about Chong as I am not to familiar with Dayu's shadow but Lao, I know Lao. And this is the first time I am seeing him this bothered.

Which is weird because Dayu and I just got engage and it was Lao's wish come true. So why does he look forlorn and problematic while Dayu and I are in cloud nine? Why is Lao not in cloud nine with us.

That is why I asked him and Chong to stay behind after our interview and dinner with some members of the Royal Counsel to formally thank them for their agreement for me to get engaged to Dayu.

"What is going on? You are both acting weird the whole day?" I asked the two who stood stiffly in front of my desk where I sat behind it. Dayu is on the sofa settings and frowning too.

"Are they acting weird? I didn't notice," Dayu said.

"It's because you are happy," Chong equipped. "You are bundled up in your own happy bubble of happiness,"

That's so many happy words said by a guy who looked so far from being happy.

Chong looked, stressed.

"So tell me what is going on?" I said before Dayu can react to that and start another word war with his bodyguard.

"Should we tell them?" Chong turn to Lao instead of answering me. "I know you want to tell them but do we really have to?"

Lao sighed, "Consequences are there even if we tell them or not. Pros and cons are on each side but I think we have to be honest with them because..."

"Honesty is the best policy!" Dayu said before standing up and walking over to the table to join and stand beside me. "I know that one," he added while smiling.

Lao sighed when he saw Dayu's smiling face. I felt a cold feeling settled over me. Lao is battling inside himself. For he knew, what he has to say will erase that happy smile on Dayu's face.

I am not liking this as it goes on.

"Just tell me," I prompted them. "Tell us," Dayu seconded.

Chong's jaw grew rigid while Lao straightened his shoulder.

"Someone threatened the Crown Prince's life," he said while looking at us.

We grew silent as those words echoed around our minds.

Dayu sputtered and cough while I lean my back on the backrest of my chair and regard my friend and Chief Aide seriously.

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