Heaven and Hell

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I slowly opened the door of our room in the Pavilion. Yes, I don't consider this room belonging to Qing alone. This is our room. We both sleep here and most of my things are getting transferred here day by day.

Qing was sitting on the foot of the bed. His head bowed, there is obvious tension in his shoulders.

Lao was right. Qing is having a tough time. And here I am, nagging him.

In my defense, I don't like Qing to stoop in Heise's level. He is lower than a snake. Or a maggot on the ground. Heise is...something disgusting. He is not dirt. Dirt or Earth is not that disgusting.

Heise is over the top disgusting.

Qing should never be like him.

I stood in front of Qing. He slowly lift his head and shoulders to look at me. I stepped between his opened legs and lean down to kiss him.

Qing sighed against my lips. I smiled. He is so easy. He is putty in my hands.

I lean up, "Still angry?" I asked him in the cutest way I can possibly do.

He laughed. "No. I was never angry. I am just..." he stopped and sighed.

"You are tired." I brushed my hand on his hair. He is letting it grow too. He said if I will be superstitious about things then he will do it with me.

I love this guy. If he is someone who can do something he considers nonsense or crazy just because I am doing it, then he is crazy about me.

Yup, just about right. I knew he loves me more. Awww...

Qing closed his eyes and savor my touches, "Yes, I think I am tired."

"Then have some rest," I said as I pushed him to lay in bed and followed him by lying beside him. "Rest and I will be here to watch you over,"

He opened his eyes and turn his head to me. "I didn't mean to shout at you..."

"Please," I laughed at him. "You mean it. You wanted to do it and you did it. It's over now. You are so stressed that you needed that outbursts to let out some of the pressure from your body."

He stared into my eyes, "I am fine though. And my mind will never change. He has to go...in either way, I don't care. He is becoming a pain I cannot endure anymore..."

Yes, Heise is becoming a pain we all cannot endure anymore.

"But I think you have done enough," I said. "You have crippled him. Taking away most of his businesses. That should be enough. No need to, I don't know...kick the crippled man some more,"

"Do you think Heise will stop?" Qing asked me. "He still has connections. He still has money. Yes, he will not gain more money, but he still has money to spend on plotting to harm us."

"Then use your money to tightened our security more," I countered.

"I am not letting you out of my sight. Your security is as tight as it can be," Qing snorted. "But he doesn't want to stop. I am doing all of these to send him a message but if he still won't listen. Dayu...I swear..."

"Fine! Fine! Kill the man, then. Go!" I sighed. "I don't care if Heise died in front of me. I won't care. You can blow the man to bits in front of me and he will be the grossiest thing I will ever see but I won't care. What I care about is you after you kill him? Will you be really okay? Do you really have to go there, that far..."

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