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They can investigate all they want but they will not find me. But I know now, I cannot underestimate that Chong guy. He had saved the Consort, easy.

In a way I am pissed, that plan on the unfinished Royal Hotel building to kill Feng Jian Yu is one of my more brilliant plan. But the Consort still survived that.

Two plans down...a hundred more to go.

"Just how many lives did he have anyway?" Shunu asked while still busy painting her "gift" to the Crown Prince's Consort.

"If he is like a cat, nine lives. He had already used his two. He is on his third." I sighed in regret. "It's amusing so far..."

"Let me do the next one," Shunu said. "I wanna try if my tactic will work,"

"Tell me your plans first before you move. I have to approve it first. You cannot give us out, the game is just on the early stages..."

"But I want them to know that I tried. I want them to know it's me," Shunu smile. Too beautiful for words but she is one determined lady.

She really wants Feng Jian Yu dead.

And I smile as she tells me her plans to kill the fake Consort, her words not mine. "I like it," I said after hearing her plans. "But if he dies?"

Shunu shrugged and continued to move her brush on the canvas, "I don't care." Is her heartless reply.

I frowned. Will I let her have the honor of killing Feng Jian Yu? Will I let her have my victory? I don't think I am comfortable with that.

But on the other hand, she will be blamed. Or at the very least suspected by the people in the Palace. But I think the Crown Prince is suspicious of her anyway, whether she do something or not.

"Fine. Try. I will just pray that he lives," I smiled at Shunu who nodded but didn't look at me.

"The one you asked to push those materials..."

"Taken care of. Stupid beggar. He was just a worker but he dared to ask for more money from me? Now, he gets to swim in the river. Maybe the cold water will wash away his stinky odor," I twitch my nose when I remembered the worker I paid to push those materials that caused the almost accident on Feng Jian Yu. He became too greedy so I take care of him. Weighed him down then threw him in the river.

I don't like greedy people. They are too close to my own skin. I don't like greedier person than me. I should be the only one who is greedy enough to dream of the King's position.

I deserve that seat. And it will be mine. Soon...



I moved sideways to look at Wang Qing who is sitting down on his side of the bed with pillows propped behind his back for support. He is reading something on his IPad. He looks serious.

He looks handsome in anything if he can look spectacular and fuckable in a simple pajama bottom and a bit worn shirt. The Prince is not keeping any appearances as we are just about to sleep. His shirt even has a little hole on the side.

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