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29 hours since the kidnapping

My mother literally ran to welcome us and hug my sister. The Queen, poised forgotten, snatched my sister from my side and hugged her tight while sidling a bit away from everyone.

The only thing missing is the snarling and growling and my mother will resemble a fierce lioness reunited with her cub. The King is waiting his turn to hug his daughter too but I don't think my father will get his turn.

My mother is not letting Baozang go.

Then my other nightmare stood in front of me.

"Dayu?" Mr.Feng and Mrs.Feng gave me hopeful and questioning looks. I look at Lao first before turning to them again. I shamefully and regretfully shook my head.

"He is not there, Sir. Our people are turning the whole place upside down now but so far, no Dayu. I'm sorry," The words almost won't escape my lips.

Dayu's mother turn away to hide her tears as Mr.Feng nodded before hugging his wife. I felt like a total bastard. I wish Mr.Feng will just punch me in the face so I can at least feel a bit better. Or feel anything, really.

I still feel numb.

Where is Dayu?

"Heise?" My father asked. It looks like he had accepted the fact that the Queen will not let my sister go so he turned to me.

"In the holding cell, your Majesty. A doctor is treating his hand. We are readying him for questioning," Lao answered.

The King nodded at Lao. A new found respect and affection can be seen on the King's eyes as he looked at the Prince's Aide. Lao just saved the King's daughter. Our family owe him so much.

Mr.Shouwei came to his nephews side and pat's Lao's shoulder. But Lao, he is not happy. Not yet...he looked around then settled on his Uncle's face.

"Is there any words from the hospital?" He asked his Uncle.

Mr.Shouwei shook his head, "Chong is still asleep..." he relied the news to us in a neutral tone.

Fuck! But the impact still hurt. Chong is still in a coma. Dayu is still missing. What the hell?

I need to question Heise...

I look at my father, "I will just change clothes and we can start questioning Heise," I said.

"Qing, sleep first..." my father said.

I shook my head as emotions threaten to spill from me. I turn away from them. "I will just change..."

"Wang Qing," my father's tone is cautionary. "Rest first and maybe..."

"How?" I close my eyes and look down as a headache started drumming on my head. "I need to find Dayu. I need..."

I need Dayu. Dayu should be by my side for me to be able to do what I have to do. He is that essential to me.

Ever since Dayu was taken, I am scrambling around. Running around like a chicken without it's head. In every direction. Don't know what to do. Don't know where to start.

Without Li Yi's information, we wouldn't have foud Baozang! Without Li Yi, we would still wonder where my sister is.

But who can tell me where Dayu could be? Heise! He can tell me! That's why I have to question him. Fast...

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