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After taking Dayu home to his parents and making sure with Chong that there is an ample amount of security around my fiance's parents' home, I went back to the Palace to track Lao.

I saw him on my office in the Pavilion studying some papers while standing beside my desk.

"Oh great. You are here. I want to talk to you," I said as I strode inside my office.

Lao looked up from the paper he is studying. "Great. I want to talk to you too," he said before putting the paper down on the desk. I sat on the my chair behind it.

"What is happening to you? You are being extra quiet." I worry about Lao. He is normally not like this.

Lao stared straight into my eyes, "Or the more important question, what is the deal between you and Chong?"

I grew still at that question. "Lao..."

"Don't Qing, I am not as stupid as you think. At first, I will admit, I got pissed. Thinking you trust Chong now more than you trust me..."

"Lao," I cannot help but stand at that. "You know I would never trust anyone more than you, aside from Dayu..."

"Then tell me what is the deal with you and Chong," Lao said in a calm tone. "What did you asked him to do?"

I sighed, "I asked him to recover Dayu's ring from Shunu's things..." that is the truth. And Chong did it.

Lao frowned, "And?"

I shrugged, "That's it..."

Lao stayed quiet and just stare at me. I valiantly meet his eyes with mine. Standing firm and sure. But Lao practically grew up with me. This is the man who saw me at my best and at my lowest of low.

This is the truth. Lao knew me more than Dayu knows me. Sometimes, I feel like, Lao knew me more than I know myself.


"Lao, please..." I shook my head.

Lao's eyes hardened. "After your wedding to Dayu, I plan to resign my post..."

My eyes widened. "You are leaving me?"

"I am tired, Wang Qing. I want to travel a little and see if I am doing what I really want to do..."

I laughed hollowly, "Or you are throwing a tantrum because I don't share everything with you,"

"Is that what you think?" Lao sighed. "That I am throwing a tantrum? Qing, let me tell you something, if I want to throw a tantrum I will resign my post now and not wait until you and Dayu are married. Fuck I care for you and Dayu, I am throwing a tantrum. But no. This is not about you or Chong or whatever it is you two are doing. This is about me and what I want in my life. I want to reassess my life..."

"By leaving me?"

"By leaving you, yes." Lao nodded. "I want to know if serving you is what can ultimately bring me fulfillment. I know I once said that I want this life, but after Dayu getting kidnapped and I took time to be away from the Palace, investigating clues and things with Chong, I realized that there is still life outside of the Palace." Lao sighed again. "I am not saying that I am leaving you premanently. Maybe resigning is the wrong word. I need a break. To see if I can be anyone aside from being your Aide..."

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