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I never even realized that Lao left the room. That he left to give me and Qing privacy. That it's just me and Prince inside the Crown Prince's office.


All I'm aware of is the warm press of Qing's lips to mine. The pressure of his one right hand holding the lower back of my head. His left hand on my back. And our chest touching.

My hands raised up to hold on to his shoulder then I tiptoed to kiss him back. I parted my lips on my own accord to admit him in.

The kiss deepened. I held on to him tighter. He embraced me securely. I moaned loudly as our tongue darted and play together.

Oh Crown Prince Qing can kiss too!

Wow! He is ticking all my box. Handsome, smart, rich and can kiss. I sighed against his lips and melted against him.

When he leaned back and our lips separated I shamelessly followed his head and snatch one more smack on his lips before I let my feet fall and smiled up at him.

Then my smile vanish when I remembered something.

I am kissing a guy who has a girlfriend.

I push Qing away. He was clearly taken aback especially when I took a step away from him.


"You have a girlfriend," I said in a regretful tone before closing my eyes.

Qing swore softly before turning away from me.

Goodness! We are both a mess.

Here I am, swore up and down not to fall for a straight guy again yet playing a kissing game with the most dangerous guy I could possibly mixed myself into.

Qing is the Crown Prince. We had a deal. He is paying me. He is straight. He has a girlfriend. What else...oh right, we are lying to everyone.

Fuck's sake, Dayu! I think you are getting yourself into trouble again. I am entering another clusterfuck situation just when I promised myself that that deal with the Mafia will be my last.

What the hell is wrong with me?!


"Don't," I said and move a few more steps away from Qing. I had to stay away from him for both our sake. I am not the strongest person when facing a weakness of mine. And Qing is fast becoming a weakness for me.

"It's just a kiss," I heard myself saying. "It doesn't have to mean anything. Let's pretend it doesn't happen. Let's...fuck this!" I feel frustrated I wanted to smash things.

My temper is showing and I have to calm down fast. I took a deep breath and look at Qing who looked as frustrated as me.

Yeah...that was some kiss.

But no matter how good that kiss was, it doesn't change the fact that there was a woman in Paris that Qing committed himself with.

I am not sure what promises he said to that girl but I will not be "that slutty wrecker" who will be the reason for a relationship to break up.

"Let's just..."


"Please," I don't care if I plead with him. I can't. Not like this. I don't know what I should do. "I will call Lao," I said before turning away from him and practically running to get out of the room.

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