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When your enemy falls from the face of the Earth, you don't relax.

You should be paranoid.

Heise keeping quiet for the last two days doesn't reassures me. It worries me. Lao and Chong knew it.

"Still no words?" I asked Chong while we are playing cards one night at the Pavilion. Just because they are serving me, that doesn't mean that I will not take their money. Chong in particular, is not that good in poker.

"Nope," Chong frowned at the cards on his hand and the cards on the table. He is a terrible poker player. He looks confuse and undecided on what to do.

Lao on the other hand can defeat a dead person's eyes with his expressionless stares and emotionless face.

These two...totally opposite.

"The guy just disappeared. Nowhere to be found. Even his parents and close relatives had no idea where he is. His friends, if he has any which I doubt because the man is a total psychopath, also had no idea where Heise is. My people are all guarding them,"

"Even Li Yi?" Lao frowned, his first reaction of the night.

"That ex maid is on a retreat with her mother out of the country. Personally, I think she needs theraphy." Chong clucked his tongue.

I nodded. So Li Yi is safe from Heise. Her family decided to keep her away from the man and the Royal Family.

"Shunu?" I asked. I cannot defuse this nagging feeling that if Shunu is not showing herself and Heise is also missing, that they disappeared together.

"If I didn't saw her in two different occasions, I will think that girl is a ghost," Chong replied. "Is she even real? Where is she hiding? How come she hides so well?"

"Shunu can disappear for a long time when she is painting." I said.

"Then she is painting enough pictures to fill the Palace because that girl has been gone since she tried poisoning the Consort," Chong sighed and turn down his cards in front of him. "I will up the stake." He pushed some chips on the file in the middle.

Bluff. He is bluffing.

Lao and I stared at him. "You have no idea how long it takes for an artist to paint one painting, right?" Lao gave Chong a resigned look. Lao is an avid fan of art.

Chong snorted, "Fuck arts. What use do I have for it? I appreciate pictures of dogs and cats, what need do I have for angels and portraits of strange girls or a landscape? They are all useless. The most artistic thing for me is porn. Good gay porn," he smirked at Lao who looked scandalized.

Lao shook his head, "We will never date. We won't suit at all..."

Chong laughed, "Fuck dating! Let's just have sex. I only want to bang you Lao, not marry you. Marriage is for this idiot and the other idiot." He points at me as he said "this idiot".

Lao sighed, "I will tell Dayu you call him and his Prince idiots,"

Chong was stunned, "Hey. I'm just joking. That was a joke!" He looks at me.

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