The Prince and his Consort

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We landed in Bhutan safely. With Lao and Chong in good terms again. And with Qing grumbling that we will take the Royal private jet from now on.

"No more flying commercial for you," he said while holding my hand as officials of Bhutan government welcomed us.

This is not a working honeymoon but we still have to give our courtesies to the officials of the countries we will visit. We are still Royals. We have to promote good relationships to other countries.

After a short meeting with the President of Bhutan and some photo ops with the officials, they let us go and wished us a nice vacation to their country.

Before leaving the airport, I saw a magazine and bought it. This magazine held the first interview Qing and I did after we got married. While waiting for the rental car to arrive, I open te magazine and smile as I saw the centerfold picture of me and Qing. In the picture we are both sitting in thronelike chairs while our hands are intertwined together at the armrest of my seat. Our faces doesn't show much emotions but our body languages and intertwined hands says it all.

I continued to smile as I read the article and snippets of the interview on the next page.

Interviewer: How does it feel to finally be married to each other?

Prince Qing: It's an unexplainable feeling. I am just elated that Dayu is now my Consort.

Consort Dayu: I look forward to waking up everyday because I know he will be there. That kind of feeling.

Interviewer: Does the dynamic changes, now that you guys are married?

Consort Dayu: No. Not yet. But we know we still had a lot of things to learn about each other and for me, that's exciting.

Interviewer: Who is the first person who officially called you Consort?

Consort Dayu: The room service personnel at the Royal Hotel. We ordered lunch and this guy came in and asked me, "Where should I put these, Consort?" I was pleasantly surprised. I've been called "Consort" a lot of times but that time, when it was all true, that felt amazing.

Interviewer: Everyone is excited about heirs? Any plan for that?

Prince Qing: Of course. But we plan to settle first as a married couple. And then we will talk about heirs. Maybe after a few months. (Looking at the Consort)

Consort Dayu: (nodding his agreement) A few months is not that bad. I think we can be well adjusted with that time. I mean, heir talk is nothing new, it was a clear concern for all of us. The Royals never hid that fact to the public.

Prince Qing: (taking his Consort's hand) Dayu and I already agreed on having children. We want to have kids. You can all be assured it will happen and we will raise the next Royals for this family and country.

Interviewer: That wonderful to know. Are you both ready for the transition period?

Prince Qing: It's too early to talk about the transition period. I am still 25. Traditionally, the transition period happens when the Crown Prince turned 27. At least five years of preparation to ascend the throne.

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