Good Fortune

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Prince Wang Qing is straight.

Another "x" for him. I don't go for "straight" guys anymore. I am done satisfying their curiousity about what it feels like to go in bed with another guy.

Been there, done that. Burn that. Ten times.

I swore off straight guys. And Qing being straight is an advantage for me.

Now Qing being HOT is troubling me.

I entered a contract with him to pretend to be his fiance in front of his family and the public. And he is paying me. It will mean that I am working for him and he is my employer.

Lusting after your employer is a big no no if you are in the working class.

It's hard to find a job that will pay me a million yuan in three months. Two million if I will count that money that entered on my account after I signed that contract.

But I can control myself, right? Besides, Qing is not my type. He is too tall, too big, too muscular, too rich, too straight and too manly to be my type.

I like cute bottoms that can make me feel like a total top.

Qing is not that.

Yeah. I can do this. I can pretend to be his fiance for three months. Break up with him then get my money and started living decently.

Three months is just a short time, what could go wrong?

So first thing first. I have to pay Chong the money I owe his boss before the whole Mafia organization come for me and cut my lifeline.

I still want to live.

I was about to step off an alley to the main road when I saw a black sleek SUV car parked nearby.

The driver side door opened and Qing came out slowly. With his black jeans, dark grey shirt and moss brown trench coat and shades.

All 6'3 of pure Royal musculinity.

Fuck. My. Life.

I already said it. He is hot. Don't make me repeat myself again.

I feel annoyed and attracted at the same time. Which annoyed me more. So that means I am more annoyed than attracted. Right?

Good math...

I walk to him, feeling shabby again in my shirt, ripped jeans and sneakers. I just told myself that this is not a competition and I am a lot cuter than him so, case closed!

"Why are you here?" I asked him as I stood in front of him. "What if media people saw you?"

"I am using a different car," he said simply. "Hop in, I will come with you to pay your debt."

I don't want to but I felt a prick of shame to know that he knew about my debt to a mafia organization.

"You don't have too," I said sulkily.

Qing just incline his head, "From this day forward until we break up publicly, you are my fiance. If you are meeting suspicious men, I have to be there with you to protect you," 

I just rolled my eyes. I think that report he got from that investigator is messed up. Cause if he knew what I am capable of, he won't need to feel like he had to protect me.

I am a Taekwondo blackbelter. A Judo blackbelter and an Aikido brown belter. I know self defense. I know how to fire a gun and I know how to use pepper spray, stun gun, taser gun and a Jedi laser sword.

I will swear on that last one.

I hop into his car anyway so we can get this thing over and we can start my three month working period.

Eye on the prize, Feng Jian Yu. No debt. Money on my account and probably forgiveness from my parents.

"Stop!" I shouted.

"Damn it Dayu!" Qing slam his foot on the brake and we lurch forward to the dashboard. He angrily turn to me, "Do you have a death wish?!" He shouted at me.

I put a hand on his arm. "Qing ge, what about my parents? What will we tell them?" I turn my upper body to him. My eyes round.

Qing was stunned too when he remembered my parents. He slam a palm on the steering wheel. "Damn it!" He lean his head back to the head rest of his seat and close his eyes.

I groaned in dismay. After all the scheming we did last night, we are destined to fail.

"Can you call them?" He asked after moments of silence.

I winced, the last time I called my Baba, he turned off his phone. My mom only cry when I call her.

"I can try," I put out my cellphone and he frowned when he saw it's cracked screen. I raised a finger to his face, "Shhh. Don't say anything, it can hear you and you might hurt it's feeling," I said as I point at my cellphone.

Qing looks like he wanted to laugh and cry and start questioning why we even meet again.

My mom's phone is ringing. Then I heard her voice, "Dayu, my son?" she greeted me, about to cry already.

I am such a failure as her son. All I did was worry my parents, especially my mother.

But if this deal with Prince Qing pulled through and I survived that three months, she will not worry again.

Her days of worrying and crying for her screw up son will be over.

"Ma? Where are you? Why is your background so noisy?" I asked.

"We are at the airport sweetheart. Your Father and I will fly to the Philippines today to see your Auntie Ling."

My eyes grew excited, "Philippines? For how long?"

Qing perked up, "They are leaving for another country?"

I put a finger on his lips to quiet him down. Prince Qing pushed my hand away from his royal person.

"Six months, Dayu," my mom sniffed. "Your father took out a loan to get our tickets. We will stay there for six months,"

"And if you want to come back here, say for some unknown emergency?" I asked slyly and carefully.

"Your father is adamant. If it involves you, we will not come back. Dayu I will miss you!" She started crying.

"I will miss you too Ma! Have fun in the Philippines," I said and sniffed for effect.

I heard my father's voice in the background asking my mom who is she talking too. My mom said a hasty goodbye and the call ended.

I laughed and sat properly again, "Drive. My parents will be the least of our problem." I told the Prince.

Qing frown as he restart the car, "News travels to the Philippines too, you know."

And the Prince Qing being engaged to another man will be a big news indeed.

I shook a finger at him, "Maybe in Manila, but not in the province where my Auntie Ling lives. She is a misionary volunteer, they live in an island where the most luxurious thing they have is electricity for the lights. News came there a month later. Believe me, we visited there just two years ago,"

Qing sighed in relief. He revved up the car and we started moving again.

Looks like Lady Luck is finally smiling at me. After years and years of nothing but bad luck, good fortune are suddenly pouring for me.

Life moves in such mysterious ways.

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