A Place to Hide

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I stared at Wang Qing who met my gaze straight and forward. The Prince looked relaxed in his seat while holding the hand of his Consort who also, like Baozang, gave me a guilty smile.

"I know this is sudden," Dayu finally spoke. "But the King himself had come up with this decision. He was there when Li Yi named Baozang as the one who ordered to harm me and take her brother's position. I think the King is shaken by Li Yi's accusation and..."

"That is enough, my love." The Prince stopped his Consort from explaining. "Heise is a smart man. He must understand that Li Yi's accusation to Baozang is a serious thing that the Royal Family worries about. Now," Wang Qing turn to me again. "I am asking you, Heise, if you are loyal to me and to my family. Are you willing to wait until I got an heir before marrying my sister?"

The Prince is looking directly to me. I cannot read anything in his expression except slight impatience while waiting for my reply.

My mind started calculating. Li Yi was caught trying to harm the Consort. Just like what she promised me, she did the job this time but like all else, she obviously failed. And worse, got herself caught alive.

Stupid bitch.

But the slightly good news is that Li Yi pointed Baozang to be the person behind her intention to hurt the Consort and pushing the Crown Prince off his throne. It looks like she hadn't mention my name.


Now, the Prince, threatened by Li Yi's accusation to Baozang is asking me to wait until he got another heir than Baozang before I married the Princess. Baozang agreed to the Prince's terms.

Another stupid bitch.

I stared at the Prince. Does he knows? Does he suspects? Does he have an inclination that Li Yi is lying and Baozang is not the real force behind Li Yi's attack on his Consort?

Or is this a simple test on my loyalty to the Royal Family.

Does the King really came out with this decision? Or is Wang Qing suspecting me already?

Damn it! I really need to talk to Li Yi so I can assess this situation properly. But that will be impossible here inside the Palace. And I also cannot insist because that will look suspicious.

Damn it! Damn it! Wang Qing is waiting for an answer. And the more I delay...shit!

I smiled at the Prince, "Of course, it will be fine with me to wait. Like I said, Baozang is still young. Only 22. If we are talking about two or three years, then she will only be 25 on our wedding. Still quite young."

"Are you agreeing then?" The Prince frowned at me.

I nodded, "Yes. And thank you for talking to me personally about this."

"That's nothing. I respect you, Heise. And by agreeing to my condition, you just proved your loyalty to me. Thank you," the Prince stood up and held his hand to me.

I stood up too and took the Prince's hand in a firm handshake. "You are very much welcome, my Prince." Those last two words are like poison in my tongue.

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