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I massaged the bridge of my nose as I listen to the various members of the Royal Counsel argue about my desire to get engage with Dayu.

Listening to my Father, the King, argue for our side is heartwarming but also tiring as I feel like we are all going around in circle.

"But you all agreed before that the Crown Prince marrying the one who held my father's, late King Dao, ring will not be an issue. Why are you all hesitating now to give the consent for them to marry?" The King asked his Counsel.

"That was before we knew there is a woman involved. If the Crown Prince will marry a woman, the issue of a heir will not be in question," a Counselwoman said.

"She is correct," Another one agreed. "We all thought we had no choice as the Crown Price refuse to consider anyone else but Feng Jian Yu to marry. But he had a girlfriend, the Prince is not gay, why marry another man? Let him have a Queen instead of a Consort,"

"But I don't want a Queen. I want Dayu to stand beside me," I said. I am not sure how many times I have said that line in the past one week of us arguing about this issue.

"But the decision is out of your hands now, my Prince." Head Counsel Falu said. "When you lied, you surrendered your rights to choose anyone you want to marry. The Counsel is thinking that having a Queen by your side is a lot more convenient and natural..."

"Are you all bigots now?" I can't take it anymore. "Do you think there is anyone else better in serving me than my desired Consort? Dayu had been studying hard. He had been training hard. You all witnessed that. You all approved of it. He could be the best support for a King. Why are you all blocking this alliance when in truth, you all knew, Dayu is perfect for the job?!" I can't help but stand and pound my palms on the table.

"Crown Prince," my father shook his head. "You losing your temper will not help the matter,"

"But we are going in circle, Father. It has been over a week now. Without any indication that the Counsel will make a decision. My family, our family, had already approved. The Queen herself already approved of Dayu. Are you all questioning my mother's judgement?" I stood straightly gaze at them coldly, "Are you insulting my Queen?"

"Crown Prince!" Head Counsel Falu was scandalized. My mother is his distant cousin. "That is not the point,"

"Then what is the point? Tell me. You all want me to choose someone conventional. Someone natural. A woman? And then what? Will it guarantee that I will have a good relationship with her becase she is a natural choice because of her gender? Will I be a better Prince because she is a woman? Will I be a better King? Tell me..."

"The issue of the heirs..."

"I assure all of you, I will have heirs even if it's the last thing I will do. I will not let the Wang line die with me. Baozang is there. She will marry and have children. She can give me heirs, true, but I am telling you all, I will have children. Dayu and I will have children in by any means possible. Heirs to the throne will be the least of your problems," I told them.

The Counsel grew quiet. Then Head Counsel Falu sighed, "Let's us deliberate again, your Highness. Your Majesty. We just want what is best for the Royal Family..."

"And we, I, appreciate that." The King stood up. Everyone followed suit. "But let us all consider this also, what is natural anyway? Isn't two people supporting each other genuinely and working together towards a main goal is a lot better than pushing the conventional way to the Prince? If the good of the Royal Family is really our goal, then listen to the Prince, he has always had the Royal Family's interest in his heart. He is loyal to our name and to our goal. Let's not waste anymore time. The Prince had to marry someone soon, I hope we are all aware of that. Good day to you all,"

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