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Saturday, 12:30 am

I have been watching over Dayu since Lao and Chong left. Asking myself over and over if I made the right decision to let Lao put himself in danger.

Like I never learned anything from using Dayu as a bait.

But this is a personal matter to Lao. Somehow, his pride is involve. I am not sure why but that is the case.

I sat on the edge of the bed and watch Dayu sleeps.

My Dayu.

When will it all stop? I want Dayu safe. I want us married and all of these attempts on his life to cease.

But things are just getting more and more complicated. Shunu is involve. A police is involve. And now...

Li Yi? Baozang's Chief Maid? Why?!

I saw Li Yi and Baozang grew up. Lao and I watched over them. Li Yi is a smart and good girl. She is not even overly ambitious. Why will she...

No! There must be some kind of mistake or a misunderstanding along the way.

This all doesn't make any sense.

Then a siren rang. I stood up immediately. Chong hadn't message me that there is something happening in Dayu's room at the Palace.

I ran outside the Pavilion. Saw a security personnel and asked that man to guard the Pavilion and never let anyone enter it but me.

The security man nodded. A siren was sounded. This is no drill. There is an emergency in the Palace.

I ran. And ran fast to get to the Palace. I saw people going out while the security on the ground entered. I entered as well. My feet turn to the Queen's wing.

"Your Highness!" Mr.Shouwei stopped me. "What are you doing? You cannot go in there..."

"Lao is in there," I said to Mr.Shouwei. "Lao is in there and he might be in danger. I am so sorry, Uncle." I said before leaving the stunned uncle of Lao.

I ran to the Queen's wing and smoke greeted me. The door on Dayu's room is open and smoke is coming our from it.

"Open the balcony door! Keep that woman secured!" I heard Chong shouting and then he emerged from the room, carrying an unconcious Lao on his arms.

"What happened?" I asked Chong and walked with him.

"We got her," Chong said grimly. "But she made Lao inhale some chemical before trying to burn the bed,"

"The bed? With Lao in it?" My mouth fell open.

"Yes, your Highness..."

"Lao!" I called my friend's name as we are moving to go down the grand staircase.

"Lao!" Mr.Shouwei came to us and look at his unconcious nephew. "What happened?"

"Someone made him inhale some chemical. We have to get him to the hospital," I said as my father join us.

Lao moaned, "N-no...h-hospital..." he said before coughing and going slumped in Chong's arms again.

"Damn it, Lao!" I wanted to shake him. This is where our decisions and his stubborness took us.

"No hospital," Mr.Shouwei said. "Take him to the Prince's Pavilion. I will call the doctors.

Mr.Shouwei left and Chong and I ran to the door. I turned to look who is following us but all I saw was two security personnels holding a woman dressed in all black between them.

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