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20 hours before the wedding

My father stared at me while I look at the big white box that arrived at the back gate of the Palace. The logo from the box is from a shop for formal suits for men.

There is a note attached on the box. It reads:

"I specifically picked this up for you. Wear it on our wedding. It will fit you perfectly, I still know your size. Love, your Shunu..."

I want to laugh hysterically. Now she is dressing me like I am a doll? I flipped the top cover of the box carelessly. We saw a neatly laid dark blue suit jacket and a pristine white shirt under it.

I don't need to lift the suit jacket to know that the trouser is underneath it. I also don't need to wear it to see if Shunu is right and it will fit me perfectly.

I don't have any plan to touch it much less wear it. Fuck her!

"Burn it," I throw the note card inside the box. "Burn the whole thing,"

"Wang Qing," my father gave me a cautionary look. "And if she hurt Dayu if..."

"Burn it. Didn't you heard me?" I give at my temporary aide a cold gaze that prompted him to immediately took the offensive box to take it away from my sight.

I stared at my father. "I will not wear any wedding garb or the color of the Royal if I am gonna marry that woman. The fact that I have to be there makes me sick, you want me to doll up for her too?" My voice is dripping in disgust.

My father sighed, "I am just thinking of Dayu..."

"And you think I am not thinking of him?" I am being irrational I know but I am tired, scared and missing Dayu so much. I want to start smashing things. I feel helpless and useless. "Father, my mind was filled with Dayu ever since he was taken. I thought of no one else but him..."

"I know, son. But that woman is crazy. She can hurt your Consort. We have to cater to her whims until..."

"I know! Damn it!" I turn away before I would say more things that can offend my father. He is not the enemy.

"I am glad that Lao and Chong are devicing a solid plan to find Dayu and that you are silently coordinating with the police. I just wish that they will get to Dayu in time before you have to marry that woman. I don't like that plan, Qing."

I don't like it either but, "I will marry her if I have to. I just want Dayu safe."

"And her plan to carry your heir?" My father asked.

"She is entitled to her delusions. But that doesn't mean that it will happen. Once Dayu is safe, she can go to hell." I replied. Mr.Shouwei kept his face neutral as he listens in to our conversation.

"What did Dayu's father said?" My father asked again.

"That he just want Dayu safe. That's all," I cannot reveal my plan with Dayu's father to my King. It's bad enough that Baozang knows the plan, I cannot put more of my family in risk.

The less my parents know, the more protected they will be if my plan goes to shit. As luck stands, I don't feel lucky anymore.

I just hope that Lao and Chong can use the clues we found on the video that we studied all night.



Dayu is mobile. The bitch didn't stashed him in one place but they are moving.

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