Opening Night

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I am irritated with Wang Qing.

He relayed the threat situation to his father, the King, but downplayed the whole scenario. Saying that everything is under control and that the security for him and the other members of the Royal Family has been tightened already.

Then Lao also irritates me when he nod and agreed with Wang Qing.

I am annoyed at the both of them.

But I kept it inside me. I instead of saying anything, I focused on Chong's teachings about surviving the threat and danger being aimed at Wang Qing.

It interesting lesson, I can't deny that.

I mean, his methods are a bit...unusual but they do make sense once he gather more patience and time to explain them all to me.

So what is happening now?

Qing and I are invited to a ribbon cutting event. The Royal Family owned a hotel chain. The Royal Hotels, I know, very original. But that is their mark. That and the crowns in their heads.

The Royal Hotels can be see on to the key cities all over the country and last year they opened a hotel in International soil, in Japan. It's their first venture abroad and another will soon follow that will be build in one Capital city in Europe.

Everyone in the Royal Family is involved in running their hotels. Everyone but Princess Baozang. Her heart and talent lays somewhere else.

Fashion design.

Princess Baozang graduated with honors in fashion designing. For a whole year, she had been planning and planning and executing her plans to open her own botique.

And tonight, her dreams will come true.

Nestled in the busy shopping district is her first shop, Princess B. Baozang designs chic but comfortable casual wears for women. From young teens to ladies in their early thirties. That is her target market. And she also has a section for women in the plus size department.

Colorful tops, funky designed jeans, different accessories, quirky cute looking bags and casual dresses are her fortes. The whole Royal Family couldn't be more proud of her as she fund this shop using the money she earned from making commercials, modeling clothes and doing different odd jobs.

The whole family is there to support her. Even her fiance, the only son of the President of China came to be by her side even if he had to fly from a different country because he has a business conference somewhere just to come home in haste.

Qing and I hugged her. "I am so proud of you, Poop!" I said as she laughed snd hug me back.

"Thank you," her cheeks are flushing in happiness.

I watch in the sideline as the King and Queen came to hug their only daughter. Qing and I tried to blend in the background.

Ever since we got engaged, people are focusing too much on us. We are photographed everyday. Fans followed our schedules and they can be seen in the venues where we are in. Invites for interviews from different TV stations and magazines are pouring in our way. But Qing and I are too busy with our personal works. He on being a Prince and heir to a hotel chain. While I am busy in preparing our wedding that will happen six weeks from now.

We are being dubbed as the most popular Royal Couple. Not really a bad title if you will ask us, but not tonight.

Tonight should be Baozang's moment. She is the one that had to shine. She has to have everyone's attention. I will feel bad if Qing and I will steal this moment from her.

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