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"What do you think they are doing?" Lao asked as we sat on the stools in front of the quiet bar.

I almost choked on the beer I am sipping, "No! Don't..." I said as I coughed.

Lao winced and gave me some tissues, "I shouldn't think about them, right?"

"Right," I said. We smile at each other.

Lao sighed, "This is just so weird. Having a relaxing night. After everything that happened, I thought it just won't stop..."

I understand him. Things around the Prince and his Consort swirl nonstop. From the zoo incident to the building incident to the investigations and the poisoning. Then the elevator scene yesterday.

It's like things are going out of control and now we are in a quiet bar drinking.

How weird indeed.

"Are you really okay?" I asked Lao. He was in that elevator too.

Lao frowned, "Okay? Probably not. But I feel...happy that I got the chance to save my Consort. Dayu, can take care of himself but knowing that I stop that gun from killing him, it gave me this new energy that I know doesn't make sense but..."

"It makes sense," I interjected. "You were always to the rescue of your Prince and Consort, Lao. Knowing you saved someone you love."

Lao snorted, "Love? Qing and Dayu? God...I wish the word love will be enough to describe what they are to me. They are my responsibility and burden and pride and..." he sighed.

I laughed at his resigned expression.

"When we were young, everyday is like a party," Lao smile as he reminisce. "Qing, Dayu and I put everyone in the Palace on alert when we are all together. We always make trouble. To the point that there was a time, Dayu was prohibited to come to the Palace so the Prince will behave. Qing and I got sick, fever, when Dayu didn't came. Qing was even vomitting. We just got well when Dayu was taken back to the Palace by his grandfather."

I smile at that. "You guys must have a blast..."

Lao nodded, "Yes. We had a happy childhood in the Palace. We knew Qing is the Prince and we will be his loyal retainers. There was no doubt about that. When Dayu left, things were different too. Qing, he started getting cold to people, shutting them all out. He will make friends, but he will not open up to them fully. He became this mysterious Prince to everyone. Untouchable. Unapproachable. He was doing things he wanted to do, fuck consequences. He studied to be a King, that's all his goal. To be a good King, but for his personal happiness, I don't think he had any plans for that..."

"That Shunu...his ex?"

Lao snorted, "Qing dated with one goal in mind. To find a Queen. A King needs a Queen, he said. I will find that woman that my Family and the Counsel will approve. Then I will marry her and she will reign with me. He never said, I will find a girl and I will marry her to be my wife and I will be happy with her. No. Qing...doesn't think like that before. Until Dayu came back..."

Ah Dayu...that one is special for sure. But Dayu is too much to handle by anyone not strong enough to tie him down.

Lao smiled, "With Dayu, Qing is happy. Even if he doesn't say it. The way he smile when Dayu is near was proof enough that Dayu makes him happy. That's what I want for Qing. More than him having a successful reign, I want him to be happy."

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