Four Friends

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"Yue..." Xin turn to his wife, "Go to the Queen, first." He said.

"But..." Yue was about to protest but Xin shook his head. Yue nodded and followed. She opened the door of the King's study. As she left, Shouwei and Khan came in.

Khan looked at Xin, "Shouwei showed me the addresses, I also moved my people to go there and help in finding the Princess and Xin's son..."

"Will they really help?" Xin snorted. "Maybe instead of helping, they might just hinder the search for my son. Instead of helping, it might put Dayu in more danger."

Khan gave Xin a grim stare, "My people are trained. They knew when to move and when to stay in their neutral position."

Xin got angry at that. "If your people knew how to move, my son will never be kidnapped!" He shouted.

"My brother is in the hospital because he tried saving your son!" Khan shouted back.

I close my eyes and turn away from them.

"Stop it!" Shouwei finally snapped too. "Can you both stop pointing blame and be useful for once?! This is our situation. Lei's daughter is missing. Xin's son is missing. Khan's brother is hurt. We are all victims here! We must stop blaming each other. For fuck's sake!"

We all grew quiet. I turn to look at Xin, "I am sorry...I know I made a promise,"

"It's over," Xin said. "Just find my son and I will take him away. No more Lei...I had enough. Dayu will never marry your son..."

"Xin!" Shouwei stood in front of our friend. "This is not the moment for you to threaten the King of taking away the Prince's Consort..."

"My son will never be a Consort." Xin said in a cold tone. "I don't know about you Shouwei, maybe because you don't have a child of your own, but this, my son being in danger, you don't know..."

"That is unfair," Khan said. "Shouwei cares for your son..."

"He is my son!" Xin emotions are really high. Hot and cold, nothing in between. "You all stand here like you understand what I feel when it's not your only child that is in danger..."

"Xin ah..." Shouwei called his name in sadness. "Lei's daughter is missing too. And I assure you we are doing everything we can to find Dayu..."

"Then find him! But even if you save him, it will not change my mind. I will take my son away. The fact that you all hide another attempt on my son's life was disgusting enough..."

I paled. "How did you..."

"Shouwei told me," Xin looked at me in hatred.

Shouwei turn his guilty eyes on me, "I cannot lie to him. I think we should stop lying if we want to help the children..."

"There is no helping the children." Xin said coldly again. "Find my son and I will take him away. Period..." he turn to leave. But I went after him.

"Xin ah," I took his arm. Xin turn around fast to punch me in my cheekbone.

"Xin!" Shouwei shouted.

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