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The quiet hum of the split type aircon and the glow of the lights inside the hotel room are relaxing me as I lay on that bed after making love to Qing.

My lover is busy touching the healing bullet wound made at the side of my chest. He kept on touching me, like he cannot believe I am here with him.

"Mama and I are applying this cream on it so the scarring will lessen." I said as I play the strands of his hair while lying on my back. Qing lay on his stomach to gaze at my chest.

"Will it be effective?"

"I hope so," I smiled when he surged up to kiss me.

"I love you," Qing said as he kiss me again and again.

"I love you too," I close my eyes when lay beside me and gather me in his arms. I plastered myself on him, lying almost on top of him.

My cellphone sounded to remind us that it's already 11 pm and we only have one more hour to be together before he had to take me home.

"Do I really have to?" Qing whined.

"Yes," I sadly nodded.

We both sighed. Sometimes being patient is hard.

We cuddled some more and kiss. Just stare at each other and kiss. Bump our noses together. Not talking but just being content to be together. Holding each other.

It's true, what they say, sometimes you don't need words. You just need that person beside you to be happy.

After twenty minutes of cuddling, we got up to get dressed and we are out of that hotel with thirty minutes to spare for driving.

The clock reads 11:58 when we got out of the car in front of my parents' home. The lights on the living room are still open. Meaning, my father is still up and waiting for me.

He is too much sometimes.

"See you again?" I clung to Qing like a sloth to a tree. I don't want to let him go.

"Of course," Qing leaned down to kiss me. I hummed and sighed as I savor his kisses.

Then the front door of our house opened. "Feng Jian Yu. Inside, now." It's my father's voice.

I rolled my eyes and kiss Qing again. Fast. Before letting him go to get inside the low gate on my parents' home. I waved at Qing who kept on standing outside the gate. He bowed to my father as his greeting.

"Have a safe trip back to the Palace," my father said to Qing before pulling me inside and closing the door.

I pouted at him. "You are really something,"

My father sighed, "You already got what you want. You get to spent time with your Prince. Be grateful for that,"

"But to be like Cinderella and to get home at midnight, are you my stepmother? You cannot be my fairy godmother. You are mean to me..."

"No. I am neither your stepmother or fairy godmother. I am your father. And this father is ordering you to go up to your room, shower because you smell and dried semen, then go to sleep."

My mouth fell open. Sex and dried semen? Wow! Nothing is sacred to my father anymore.

I pout some more while doing his order as petulantly as I can. Stomping loudly as I walk up the stairs. While my father started securing the locks on our home and turning off the lights.

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