Meet the Family

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The King. The Queen. The Queen Dowager. And the Princess of the Crown.

I knew all of them. Back when I was still young and playing with the Crown Prince.

Fifteen years had passed. But it feels like they barely age at all. Except for Princess Baozang, of course. The lasts time I saw her, she was in two ponytails, dressed in a jumper and hugging a big teddy bear.

Now she looks like a petite model in ripped jeans and ruffled blouse. Her bobcat hair hugging her beautiful face.

The Kings, with his bespectacled dark eyes, prominent nose and jaw line and thin lips just had some silver in his hair but he still had that stern look on his face.

The Queen, with her simple elegance shows where Princess Baozang got her beautiful genes. She gave me a warm smile that I can't help but answer back with a smile of my own.

The Queen Dowager still looked strict but I knew a way to her heart that Qing and Lao can never walk with. They both can't sing to save their lives although Qing can play five instruments that I know of: Piano, keyboard, violin, flute and electric guitar.

If he added more, I am not sure.

These people, Qing's family, was once a family to me too. But fifteen years had gone by. I had grown up. Even if they adore the eight year old me, they have no idea about Dayu as a grown up man.

"Good," the Queen Meigui gently placed back her teacup on the saucer. "How is your parents, Dayu?"

We are gathered on the garden gazebo. Sitting around an oval table with refreshments together with cakes, sandwiches, fruits and pastries.

An informal setting because they are familiar with me.

My mind went back to the question of the Queen.

"My parents," I swallowed a little. "They are good. They are currently at the Philippines, visiting my father's sister which is also my aunt..."

Lao cleared his throat and I almost jump in surprise. Then I remembered that I am supposed to be confident when I answer any questions especially of the one asking is a member of Qing's immediate family.

"Try not to fumble and babble. In this case, the saying is perfect for us. Less words, less mistakes..."

I whispered loudly to Qing, "Is that one of his saying?"

Qing sighed, "Yes. But you still have one million sayings to go before you beat my record of suffering his sayings all my life,"


"Can I see it?" My mind came back to the present when Queen Dowager Chun spoke.

I was puzzled at first but I saw how the Queen Dowager touch her wedding ring with her finger.

I nodded and slowly lift the silver necklace on my neck to reveal the ring pendant on the end.

The Queen gasped. The King nodded satisfactorily and his eyes turn warm when he looked at me.

The Queen Dowager who is sitting one chair away from me, Qing is between us, tried reaching to take the ring but I lean away from her hand.

She looked hurt that I wouldn't let her touch the ring of her husband.

"I'm sorry but I never took off this necklace and the ring. I treasure this ring the most," I said apologetically.

Queen Dowager Chun's face lightened up again. "Of course you would treasure that ring. It came from your friend and from the late King Dao." She sounded happy with me.

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