Date at Night

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"He didn't have to run away from me like I'm a monster," Dayu pouted while playing the lone raspberry in his desert plate. The small fruit is the only thing remaining in the desert that was served to him. He demolished those two chocolate tortes in caramel sauce in record time.

I push my lips inward to stop myself from laughing at his tale of what happened to him and Chong while he is getting ready for our date. "What did you ask him anyway that made him ran away?"

Dayu shrugged, then blushed a pretty pink. "Nothing," he lied. "Just shaving and cleaning..."

Well I doubt that it's that simple. Knowing Dayu, he probably ask something about shaving his pubic hair and cleaning his butt for preparations for tonight.

If that is the case, I cannot blame Chong for running away. Chong may be gay too but there are boundaries. Something Dayu seems to forget a lot of times. Dayu always leap over any boundaries set upon him.

"Where is Lao?" Dayu asked. Looking around.

"I gave him the night off. He needs to relax after what happened to you and him in that elevator. I think he and Chong went out for a drink." I said.

"Ah," Dayu nodded and smiled shyly at me. I smiled back at him. He looks so good tonight. The lights on the Pavilion's lanai enhanced his boy next door charms. They play on Dayu's soft hair, they are getting a bit long but he has no plan to cut them until our wedding arrives. A superstition for him. His eyes are enchanting, the mole on his left eye and chin looks enticing. His lips made for kissing. And I am rhyming. Goodness...

"Is the dinner okay?" I asked him as I lean against the back of my chair while sipping wine from the wine glass on my hand. My legs and feet stretched under the table to touch his feet.

"Yes," Dayu is almost humming while I felt his one foot taking off his sandal to rub his naked foot against my legs. "I love all the dishes served tonight. Thank you,"

"Good," I smile when I felt his foot trying to lift the hem of my trouser, "I specifically picked them from all your favorites that the kitchen in the Palace served when we are having dinner there..."

"Hmmm," this time Dayu really hummed. "Very sweet of you," he bit his lower lip as he slip his foot inside the hem of my trouser to touch my naked leg inside.

Naughty Dayu.

We stared and smile at each other. Lost in our own lovely world.

"Are you both having a good time?" Someone asked.

"Yes," Dayu and I answered at the same time then our eyes widened when we realized none of us asked that question. We look sideways to see my grandmother, the Queen Dowager, smiling knowingly at us.

Dayu quickly took his foot out under my leg trouser while I fumbled to get up, Dayu had to hopped as he tried putting his foot back on his sandal. We both smile and greeted the Queen Dowager.

"Your legs are exposed under the table. I have seen it so you both don't need to act like innocent children," my grandmother teased us.

Dayu blushed some more while I laugh a little. "Do you want to join us?" I asked my grandmother.

"And ruin your romantic date? No," she shook her head.

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