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After five rings, Shunu finally took the call.

"Qing!" She sounded so excited to hear from me. That's when I realized that this is the first time I had called her after she went away to go to Paris.

Another wrong I did to her. I have no excuses to give her for not calling. Nothing that will not sound like I am just saving face.

"Shunu," Hearing her voice, I can finally picture her face again in my mind.

She is a tall, statueque and really feminine like lady. She loves wearing flowly summer dresses when it's hot and thick coats in winter. Her eyes are dark chocolate in color, he cheeks puffy and pinkish. Her mouth small and naturally pouty. And deep pink in color.

She smells like expensive perfume, flowery and sweet. Unlike Dayu who smells like powder and clean soap. Shunu is a spring garden while Dayu is fresh water river that I want to drown into.

They are like day and night. The difference is staggering and ocean apart. But what swayed my heart to Dayu is the fact that I can see a future with him and he can see his future with me. On that throne, as King and Consort. Happy living together as a couple.

While with Shunu, I can also see a future with her and she with me but I think we are painting different pictures of the two of us together. I want to be a King with someone on my side, supporting, fighting and growing with me. Shunu...she doesn't want and she is not fit to be a Queen.

She has her own dream and aspiration. To be a well known artist and painter. Being my Queen is not her dream.

And I will hurt her more if I will put more pressure on her.

But that is an excuse too. The truth is, I don't love her the same anymore. Or if I still love her, my love for Dayu eclipsed that. I can let her go. I can live without her. But not without Dayu. Not again. That is the brutal truth.

And as the next King, I have to own that truth. And I have to tell that to Shunu.

"Qing, my exhibit will be coming soon. Can you come here and escort me?" She sounded so happy while saying that.

"I can't," I said.

"Why? Is it about that announcement of your fake engagement? Qing I think..."

"Shunu," I called her name. Shunu meaning lady. She is a lady. And I once loved her. She deserved respect. "Things change..." my heart thudded, I feel scared. But I also have to own that. "There will be no fake engagement."

"Really? No more fake engagement? You will not get engage anymore with your fake fiance?" She laughed happily. "That is good news!"

I cringed, "Yes, that is a good news for me but...I think I have to make myself clear. There will still be an engagement but it will not be a fake one. Dayu and I will be engage for real,"

Moments of silence from her side.

"W-what do you mean?" Shunu's voice shook. I swallowed and took a deep breath, "I decided to make it real. The engagement..."

"I see...and you will marry him? For real?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied and frown. I heard Shunu breathing, "That is still good. Qing, you know I don't want to be your Queen. I can be your mistress and..."

A Royal EngagementWhere stories live. Discover now