Winners and Failures

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Paris, one week later...

I don't know if Wang Qing is doing it intentionally but his Engagement Ball coincided with the date of my painting exhibit.

The weather in China is fair and beautiful while it's raining here in Paris.

According to the news on the net, the whole Palace is all set and ready to celebrate the engagement of the Crown Prince to the one who hold the ring of his grandfather, King Dao. That two hundred people, including all the notable names in politics, business and the elite society will witness this historic event of a Crown Prince engaging and marrying a commoner and another man.

Feng Jian Yu...the first Consort in the History of the Royal Family.

Two hundred people, invited into the Palace.

I look around the gallery where my pictures and paintings are hanged. Because of the rapid rain, only a handful of people manages to come to the exhibit that showcase not just my paintings but also the works of three other newcomers.

It's a pitiful crowd.

I close my eyes and lean against the wall of the storage room of the gallery. Tears fell from my eyes.

It's a failure. I'm a failure. My dream is failing. And after everything I did. All my hard work and sacrifices, I failed.

While Feng Jian Yu gets it all.

A title, the prestige and Wang Qing.

My hands fold into fists.

Feng Jian haven't won yet. I will get Qing back. I will take what is truly mine.

I am not a failure. I will not lose to some beggar nobody like Feng Jian Yu.

I open my eyes and wipe the tears from my cheek. This is will be the last time that I will cry.

The next tears will come from Feng Jian Yu's eyes.



I am vibrating in excitement. I cannot wait for everything to start so I can finally call Dayu mine and my fiance. It was a torturous week for me. Being kept away from Dayu as my mother guard Dayu zealously. She doesn't let anyone come into the Queen's wing where Dayu is situated.

Dayu ate there, he studied there, he practiced dancing the waltz there. Dayu was kept in that wing, even the King himself is forbidden to see him.

Like a blushing maiden being reserved and protected.

I saw him this morning though. Just a fleeting glance when Dayu came out of his balcony to breathed in the morning air. My mother was with him, she is exasperating, guarding Dayu. I was on the side of the Palace and when Dayu turn a little he saw me. Dayu smiled and did a little wave before my mother ushered him again inside his room.

But those few moments is enough for me. I get to see him. He smiled at me and waved at me...

"He is worse than that midget..." I heard Chong said to Lao.

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