Day One

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A gong woke me up.

I am not kidding. A fucking gong woke me up. Someone, an attendant of the Queen, carry one small gong inside the room, not caring if they will find me sleeping with or without my clothes on, and bang the gong above my head.

I literally felt my ear ringing and as I scrambled to wake up I fell from the bed, comforter and all. Thank Goodness I am wearing a shirt and jersey shorts when I sleep. They are a bit loose as they are owned by Qing.

For some unknown reason, he doesn't like me to borrow Lao's clothes even if Lao's size is close to mine. Qing insisted that I took some of his clothes to wear when I sleep.

Now, I am scrambling to get up as I spy the Queen entering the room. I must look like a fright with my hair sticking up in everu direction and I think there's still drool on my chin and cheek.

"A Queen in Waiting always woke up with the sun. That would be the first lesson, Dayu..." the Queen Meigui said regally.

"But I am not a Queen in Waiting," I grumbled and scratch my head as I yawn.

"A Consort in Waiting doesn't yawn widely in front of an audience." She added disapprovingly.

I quickly cover my mouth and gaze at her sleepily.

"A Consort in Waiting must always be composed and not easily rattled. Grace under pressure. A fast learner. This will be the first and only time that I should wake you up. Starting tomorrow, you will wake up early and from your own efforts and present yourself to me dressed properly and looking ready to learn how to be a Royal. Do you understand?"


In restrospect, I would say yes to anything she said even if she asked me if I will be willing to kiss a snake.

Okay, maybe not a snake as I hate snake. Maybe kiss a monkey. There, much better. I like monkeys more that snakes.

I am scared of snakes, just for the record.

"Help him to his bath," the Queen ordered the attendants around us and all the sleepiness I am still feeling vanished in an instant when I saw them coming at me with their grabby hands.

I ran. I am ashamed to say this but I swathed their hands away and ran. Out of the room. And almost collided with the King himself.

"Your Majesty," I bow, bending my waist all the way. "G-Good morning!" I stammered while greeting him.

"Dayu? Why are Queen, why is the soon to be Consort in Waiting running around the Palace in shirt and shorts?" The King asked the Queen who joined the attendants in chasing after me.

"It looks like he doesn't like the attendants to help him in his bath," the Queen replied.

"But I am a man! They are...ladies!" I cannot help but to whine my reason.

"But you are gay. You will not be affected with a woman's touch," the Queen said in a matter of fact tone.

Wonderful. She outed me in front of the Palace's attendants, just like that.

The King sighed, "My Queen, I think I understand Dayu. He might be gay but he is still a man. How will you expect him to be comfortable being assisted by lady attendants?"

Holy Molly, they are talking about me like I am an inanimated object and not a bone and flesh human being standing just one foot away from them.

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