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Dayu didn't dream again. After one more day in the hospital, he was released by the doctors with a clean bill of health.

As the news about the almost accident on the Consort inside one of the unfinished building for Royal Hotel, the Palace immediately released a statement that what happened to Dayu was unfortunate but it was an isolated incident.

"The Royal Family will assure you, the workers on the construction sites for the new hotels are safe. Every precautions had been placed and we guarantee you that this will not happen again. We all learned a valuable lesson from what happened. We are just elated that the Consort is alive and well and with the Crown Prince..."

Elated...that doesn't even begin to describe how I feel when Dayu didn't die by falling on that building.

Try, fucking relieved that I will not resort to killing everyone involved on the construction of that building then offing myself so I can follow Dayu to the afterlife.

That's what I feel everytime I am looking at Dayu, alive and well. That Dayu is not the only one who escaped a certain death. That Dayu being alive means we are all breathing as well.

Because I don't really know what I will do if Dayu didn't managed to survive that incident. I really don't know...

And that scares me the most. What will I be without Dayu? Where will I go? What will I do? Who will I blame? Who will I become? What kind of monster I will be without him?

That's when I realize, all my plans included Dayu. All my future endeavors revolved around him. Thinking he will be by my side. Dreaming with him on my mind.

It's scary. And natural at the same time. Dayu is who I see when I think of the future. I always see him beside me when I think of what and where I will be in two, five or even ten years from now. Fifty years from now...

I want a lifetime with Dayu. And I am not amused anymore by the unexplainable incidents happening around us.

That is why I have Lao and Chong in front of me while Dayu is busy with my mother and sister. They took him...

"Just for a while, son," my mother told me. "Really Wang Qing, you cannot monopolize Dayu like this. You never let him leave your side for the past two days, that is not healthy anymore,"

Baozang snickered, "The next thing we know, Qing ge will hide Dayu in a cellar without anyone else having access to his Consort. Obssess much, brother dear?"

I still want to say no but Dayu gave in to my mother and sister's combined pressure. He went with them outside to get some air and shop. After my mother assured me that they have adequate protection as my Father, the King, was also shaken about what happened to Dayu.

But the advantage of Dayu missing from my side is that Chong, Lao and I can talk freely.

I look at Chong, "You look at ease that you are not with your Consort. Why is that?"

I will never question Chong's loyalty to Dayu ever again. After watching Chong tie that rope on his waist and grit his teeth as he lowered Dayu down so Lao can catch him, I think I am forever in debt to him.

And knowing that his training with Dayu is the main reason why my Consort is alive, this lifetime will never be enough for me to thank him.

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