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The loud music is swirling all over my working studio. My brush strokes the canvas in evey direction. My mind blank aside from the words I heard from Wang Qing when he had that press conference in the Palace in China.

Did he really say he is willing to lose his crown? That he admitted his sins and lies and he is willing to take his punishment.

Did Qing really said he has let me go? Did he really said that there is something between him and that Dayu?!

Did Wang Qing really said that he wants to marry that fake for real? That he wants it, he needs it and he would love to marry that guy?

"No!" I cry as I stab the canvas using the brush in my hand. "No! No! You cannot do this to me Wang Qing! You cannot do this to me!!!"

I scream and throw the brush away before I kick the canvas and it toppled. I cry some more.

I haven't eaten since yesterday when Qing called and break up with me. I haven't drank any water too. But I finished the three bottle of wine I am preserving until the end of my exhibit.  When I finally become a success, I planned to toast wine with Qing and my friends.

But now...all of my plans are crumbling down.

All because of that Feng Jian Yu!

I will kill him. I will kill him myself.

After I am done with my exhibit. I will fly back to China to kill that fake.

And I will take back Wang Qing. I will get him back. He is mine! His heart is mine! He is mine! No one else can have him but me!

My phone rang. I laughed. I got that phone yesterday, a brand new one since I threw my phone when I received those pictures of Qing being forced to kiss that fake Consort to be.

The first call I had using that phone was from Qing yesterday and he broke up with me.

Now, another man is calling me and I have been anticipating his call.


"Shunu, did you watch the press conference?" The man asked.

"Yes," I replied in a lifeless tone. "Your plans?"

"Will be in motion once the Crown Prince got engaged," 

I smiled, "Good. I will let Qing get engage with that fake fiance of his. So you can kill Feng Jian Yu,"

"It will happen Shunu. I am practically your brother, I am here to help you get everything you want,"

I snickered at that, "And it's just too lucky that when I get what I want, you will also get what you want. Good for you,"

The man laughed on the other line. "When will you be back?"

"Soon," I said. "I will just finish my exhibit and then I will come back to take what is mine. Wang Qing..."

"Then I will see you,"

The call ended. I serenely and calmly put my canvas back in place then I pick up my brush again.

The music kept on swirling. I keep on painting red paint on the canvas until the whole thing turned red. I am painting Feng Jian Yu's blood, his blood that will be spilled once he got killed.

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