Chapter 2

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In this chapter, I want you all to know that everything they say is in Portuguese because that is the story setting(Brazil) but because this is an English book,the words will be in English. Please vote and comment when you get to the end of the chapter. Thank you!

Adrian's P.O.V

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I am Adrian Camôes de Luis. Being Brazil's most sought after bachelor, and in the list of the top thirty youngest billionaires in the world, I have everything I ever wanted in life; money, attention, girls, fame,etc. I know most people think its the grace of God at work but I don't.

I stopped believing in God the moment I watched my parents and little brother die. You see, I loved them but God took them from me that's why I stopped going to church or did anything that pertains to Christianity.

I was twelve years old when I lost my family. I went to school that fateful day but my parents stayed at home to care for my brother who had the flu. The electrical gadgets at home were faulty but no one paid attention to it, so it sparked and gutted into flames destroying our properties and killing my family. When I got down from the school bus, I saw the ambulance with my family in it, my brother and mom had already died but my father was still struggling for his life.

I remember his last words before he gave up "Adrian, son your mom, brother and I are going to a better place. Sorry we are leaving you behind but God knows best. Never question Him! Serve Him forever! I have a friend, João Castello. Find him and he'll take care of you."

With tears in my eyes, my family lawyer accompanied me to the house of João. João and his son, Roberto took care of me like family. Fortunately for me, they also lost Maria de Deus, their wife and mother so they knew how I felt and comforted me at all times. Roberto became a brother to me and with us being similar in stature and age, we were often mistaken as twins by people.

At the age of twenty, I was given a huge sum of money as my inheritance which my father left for me on my twentieth birthday in his will. With this money, I started up a software company which developed into a multi-bilillon dollar business having branches all over Brazil and South America. I was able to learn three more international languages including English. Roberto also helped his father's company by heading the branch in Brazil when João travelled to Africa.

Together, we were both tagged as the 'Casanovas of Brazil'. Sleeping with girls was not our problem because they always threw themselves at us. They just wanted us for sex and money and since we were capable of both, we gave them readily. This attitude made me loathe girls and women in general. I never went out with the same woman more than thrice. That's why the name 'Casanova' suited me.
I still forsook my father's last wish to serve God because I wasn't in agreement to the fact that God took them from me.

Present day

Waking up this morning with a hang over, I turned to the right side of my bed only to get hit by the body of another girl I banged last night. Geez can't these girls understand that I hate them? I thought to myself

"Hey Isabella, leave my house now!" I shouted as I tossed her out of the bed.

"Its Lisa, not Isabella." She tried to correct me.

"I don't freaking care what your name is. Get the hell out of here!" I barked.

She got the message and left immediately. I made coffee and decided to visit Roberto, so I could clear my head for a while. On getting there, we talked for about two hours and I decided to leave.

Exiting the elevator, I bumped into someone, possibly a female because of the soft body pressed to my oppositely large and strong one. She spilled her coffee on me, this infuriated me and I cursed.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I asked.

"I'm sorry sir, it was a mistake. I didn't see you coming from the elevator." She responded, looking remorseful for her actions but I was unfazed by it. I knew it was just a façade in order for her to get my attention. Women, I scoffed.

"No, its not. You did it on purpose so you can get a chance to talk to me." I fumed.

Turning to Roberto who had been there the whole time but refused to say anything, I continued.

"Roberto is this how the girls in your organization throw themselves at you?" I returned my attention back to her.

"You girl, are too moronic for my liking, if you want me to sleep with you or give you money, say it plainly."

With that, I shoved her aside and continued to walk on, not looking back if my best friend was coming with me or not.


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