Chapter 35

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On behalf of CoversCrew_Graphics1, this chapter is dedicated to iileovaldezii for the awesome cover you made for BREATHE. Thank you so much. You are an absolute gem.

Adrian's POV.

The screeching sound of my alarm jolted me out of sleep. I yawned and stretched but still felt fatigued. I glanced at my wristwatch which was on the drawer beside my bed, It was 10am. How did I end up sleeping this late? Probably the stress. I moved my hands up and down the bed, trying to reach out to the soft warm body I've grown accustomed to waking up to every morning. But she wasn't there.

Images of yesterday deluged my mind and that got me up and out of the bed. I realized I slept in my room which hasn't happened since Isi moved in. I decided to hurry up and get dressed, maybe she is home already. I wouldn't want her to come in here and see me disheveled. I took a shower and wore my usual V-neck shirt and sweatpants. I breezed out of my room and headed to the opposite direction to hers. When I got in, she wasn't there and the bed looked tidy like I saw it last night.

Does this mean she hasn't returned home?

I went downstairs to the living room, kitchen and other spare rooms but she wasn't there. Something wasn't right. Whenever I get this sort of feeling, I'm always right. I didn't have any of her friends' numbers. For breakfast, I made pancakes. While eating, I called Roberto instead so he'd help me. He picked immediately like he was waiting for me to call.

"Hey man, how are you?" I hastily swallowed the pancakes in my mouth so I could reply.

"I'm okay bro. Can you send me Graça and Melissa's phone numbers so I can call them?"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Isi went out with them since yesterday and she hasn't returned. I just have a bad feeling about this."

"Okay, hang on. I'll send them now. Any news on her attack?" His voice sounded hoarse this time like he just woke up.

"Yeah. We found the man we believe was responsible for the accident. He's currently behind bars. I met him yesterday. He looked quite familiar but I just can't place where or how I know him."

Indeed the moment I saw him, a familiar face flashed my mind bomut I couldn't decipher it.

"Really? That's good news. But you shouldn't be paranoid anymore since he has been found."

"I just feel he has an accomplice. She's not safe until it's guaranteed. On second thoughts, I will go and see him today. Maybe I could get a clue or something from him."

"Okay man, I understand. I'd like to come along with you though so I can see him. Isi is like a sister to me and I'd like to know who is capable of hurting her."

I could really use a little help from my brother. So I agreed.

"Hurry up. I give you thirty minutes to be here or else I'll leave without you."

He has always been punctual so I know he could make it to my house in thirty minutes.

"I'll be there in twenty." The loud beep in my ear made me realize he hung up. Well, time to get ready. I washed the little dishes, toweled my hands and got to my room to dress up. I didn't want to wear anything business like so I chose a pair of basketball shorts, a shirt and sneakers. I placed my phone in my pocket and hobbled down the stairs, just then, the door bell rang. Roberto came to view as I opened the door. He eyed my outfit and I did the same. He wore exactly what I had on; shorts, T-shirt and a pair of sneakers. It was like we planned it.

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