Chapter 17

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This chapter is dedicated to xxMissKittyCatxx, a good writer and supporter. Thanks for supporting me.

Isi's POV

Waiting for Adrian at the party was becoming tiring and I was surely getting stares from various people present. Standing up, I went to the buffet table to get a glass of Chardonnay, some brownies, small chops, chips and a bottle of water. I was stressed out and most times like this, I usually get super hungry so I piled high my plate with so much snacks, then I went over to my seat to eat silently. After eating, I realised the birthday cake was being shared, I quickly asked one of the waiters to get me a huge slice of it. He brought it to me and when I tasted it, it tasted so good I moaned out loud. The elderly woman beside my table looked at me completely caught off guard by my behavior.

"I'm so sorry ma'am. I just can't help it, the cake has a perfect taste" I tried to apologize with a smile.

She smiled in return and said, "No problem dear, I know how it feels but right now I'm too old to eat anything sugary. My doctor said it could deteriorate my health. So enjoy it while you're young."

People were back on the dance floor. Graça and Martin told me they wanted to go outside to talk for a while in case we needed their attention much later. I agreed and before they left, I winked and gave her a thumbs up which made her smile.

I can't believe this. Everyone in this party is certainly having fun except me. I don't even know where Adrian is. Are they both still outside or are they out having fun with each other?

The thought of that made me cringe. I certainly can't think of that. He is my boyfriend and I know he won't cheat on me... Would he?

"Earth to Isi." The sound of João's voice startled me and I jumped slightly.

"You startled me sir." I said, while trying to calm myself.

"I'm sorry. I was just wondering if you'd like to dance with me again. Do you mind?" Who could ever deny his request? He was such a sweet old man.

"Of course I don't mind Sir. Its your birthday so I won't refuse your request." We both went straight to the dance floor and the song being played was "The Scientist" by Coldplay. It was one popular song I listened to in Nigeria when I was still there. When the song was over, we danced to two more songs before João spoke.

"Let's go into my den for a while. I need to tell you something."
He took my hand and led towards the stairs at the middle of the large room. When we got up, he ushered me into his den. It was grand and extremely beautiful.

"This place is so beautiful. Your home is lovely." I looked around and noticed the room was decorated in an old fashioned style with some antique furniture but was nevertheless breathtaking.

"My wife and I used to change the decoration of this den two years after each one. This decoration was the last before she died and I decided to make it the last one. My house organiser usually comes to add a thing or two so it won't look extremely old. Every time I come in here, I always feel her presence and memories of both of us together flood my mind." He closed his eyes and I could tell he was thinking about her.
It felt so amazing to know that he still loved his wife. I pray I get to have a husband like him someday and even in our old age, we would still love and cherish each other till the end.

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