Chapter 34

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Isi's POV

The girls and I had so much fun at the restaurant. We kept eating various Italian delicacies. I sent Adrian a brief message after eating. There was a live band consisting of four men who played diverse musical instruments and then a woman who sang melodiously. Before we knew it, we were on our feet, dancing and swaying our hips to the song. We had a great audience as many people who came to eat, watched us with interest. We giggled as we danced and I don't know what compelled me to reach out to an elderly gentleman and made him dance with me. Everyone cheered. Melissa and Graça did the same. One by one, we dragged more people to the dance floor. I was happy and I wanted everyone to share from my happiness. The restaurant manager, a woman in her sixties emerged, she looked like she was going to burst with rage but on impulse, Melissa, Graça and I reached out and dragged her with us. We surrounded her until she finally gave up, smiled and danced. She proved to be a great dancer. The musicians were so thrilled that they began to sing new songs. I've never been more delighted in my life than at that point.

After close to forty minutes of dancing nonstop, we got really tired. The manager walked up to us.

"Thank you ladies. This restaurant hasn't experienced so much fun as it did this afternoon." Melissa brought out her credit card but she stopped her. "No dear, your tab is on the house. Have a blissful day ladies" She bowed and left.

We left soon after. We were about to go get into Melissa's car when a black Ford SUV pulled over close to us. A very beautiful lady wearing a white chiffon blouse and black pencil skirt with black heels and a matching bag stepped out of the car. She looked like a Victoria Secrets model. She had all the curves in the right places. Her dusty blonde hair was styled in a Bob. She looked classy in an official way. She wore a pair of glasses which perfected the office look. She came towards us and smiled. We smiled in return.

"Hello ladies. I'm Louisa Randolph, Adrian's secretary." She extended her hand for us to shake her. We all took turns to shake her, introducing ourselves.

"You must be his girlfriend, Adrian has told me so much about you." I smiled but cringed within. The thought of Adrian spending time with this sexy woman didn't settle well in my stomach. I was jealous and couldn't help it. How can anyone have a personal assistant as good looking as her and not fall in love with her?

"So what are you doing here?" Graça asked and I was grateful for the question because I couldn't think of anything to say.

"Eh, I came here to pick you up. Adrian said he has a surprise for you. He gave me a strict order to get you." She smiled at me.

I turned to the girls and whispered so she wouldn't hear.

"Take care of yourselves. If I don't return or you don't hear any news from me, make sure the police and everyone else know about it. But I doubt there'll be trouble. Bye girls." I hugged both of them, took my shopping bags from the car and followed Louisa to hers.

We got in and I sat shotgun after putting my bags into the back seat. I fastened my seatbelt immediately. There was silence all through the ride. We kept driving for a long time and I lost track of where we were headed.

"Where are we going?" I couldn't hide my curiosity anymore.

"Well, he said I should take you somewhere to get your mind off the stress. I'm taking you to my house. Don't worry, just relax." I decided to do what she said. I sighed and looked out the window.

About two hours later, judging by the time I left the restaurant and now, I knew it was late. I checked the time on my phone, it was already 6pm.
We got to a house which was secluded and isolated. The distance between it and other houses we passed was very long. The house looked beautiful. There were so many flowers outside, red roses to be precise. I unfastened my seatbelt and opened the door.

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