Chapter 3

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Hey Readers! So glad the story is moving on. I hope you like this chapter. So seat back,relax and enjoy
P.S I need a new cover photo for BREATHE. If you can create a good picture and add BREATHE(in capital letters) to it,please send it to me. Anyone who does so, the next chapter of this book will be dedicated to you. Thank you!

Isi's P.O.V

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

After I was given the assignment to travel to Brazil by boss, Mr João, my coworkers organised a farewell party for me. The balloons and cake had the inscription "Bon Voyage" on them. Two days later, I was in a plane to Rio de Janeiro, the former capital of Brazil. My boss provided my accommodation by giving me a comfortable apartment in one of the most urban parts of the state.

On getting to work the following week, my colleagues were so nice to me. Graça, the secretary in my office floor—my company is a twenty storey building—became my good friend within a few minutes of getting to know each other. My new boss, Roberto (Mr João's son), a very friendly man treated me nicely and gave me a run through of the company.

During lunch break, I joined the rest of the staff at the office cafeteria and involved myself in the discussion.

"Have you all submitted your files to the head of staff?" asked Andressa, the middle aged receptionist at the first floor.

"Yes." We all chorused.

"Speaking in lieu of that, have you guys heard that Adrian is coming to see the boss today?" Federico asked.

"Yes, he's coming. That why I need to eat little so I can look sexy before he comes." Chipped in Melissa.

"You know that no matter what you do he can never notice you, right?" Federico retorted and with this, they all burst into shrills of laughter.

"Aren't I allowed to at least dream that one day, he'll consider me?"Melissa said, sounding sad.

"Well, keep dreaming girl." Graça replied.

Graça had already told me about the lustful feelings Melissa had for the boss' friend. Every one knew about his beauty, wealth and relationship status that is, never staying with one woman for a long time. I wonder why she wouldn't change.

Well, let her keep it on. Maybe one day he'll notice her. I thought.

After lunch, I decided to finish translating the rest of my work for the day. I felt frazzled and decided to get a cup of coffee to cheer me up. I got close to the elevator trying to push the button when suddenly I bumped into something....... Or should I say, someone?

Present time

He shoved me aside and continued to walk without apologizing......

I was still astonished by his behavior when my boss and his friend, Roberto came to me.

"Isi, are you alright? Did he push you too hard? Talk to me, please."
He begged.

"No, sir he didn't. But please I need to have a word or two with him. Pardon me for my rudeness in advance sir."

After that, I rushed to Adrian and blocked his path.

"What do you want again?" He shouted, still livid.

"Don't think that you can just walk away after those crappy words you said to me sir?" I asked rhetorically.

"The fact that every girl you've ever come across wants you to get in her pants or spend your money, doesn't mean that we are all the same. I am not a whore or a gold digger and I would never stoop so low to a person as arrogant and demeaning as you. I think you should learn to never judge a book by its cover. Don't you ever come near me or speak such ills about me again or else, I won't be held responsible for my actions. Goodbye sir" I continued.

Looking back at my boss who was now smiling, and a second glance at Adrian, who was dumbfounded, I scurried off into the elevator with my head held high.

Good job, Isi. My subconscious congratulated me.

Okay thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it? For those who didn't read the introduction, I need a cover photo for this book, BREATHE. Any one who can volunteer to make one, please send it to me and the next chapter will be dedicated to you...... Don't forget to comment and vote.....xoxoxo.

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