Chapter 8

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I've decided to start updating anytime I'm less busy with school. So readers enjoy!

Adrian's POV

We got to South Africa the next day and we were both jet lagged but went straight to the hospital. Neither of us knew João's condition and we were frightened by the fact that we might lose him. The hospital he was in was adequately furnished and that made me happy that he was at least receiving the best treatment. When we saw him, we both gasped in shock because he looked so fragile and had so many pipes passing through him. We stayed with him for a while until the doctor called us into his office for a brief discussion about his health.

"Please settle down. I need to tell you something." The doctor, Mandela, issued us in.

"Doctor is everything alright?" Roberto asked. I couldn't say anything because I was really worried.

"Your dad suffered a heart attack and was rushed here immediately. We ran several tests on him and according to the diagnosis, your dad has a cardiovascular disease and might die soon." He tried to explain.

"Oh my God! But what can be done to help him survive through this?" I asked, this time regaining courage.

"Well, you need to make sure he takes his drugs regularly after he has been discharged. Try to do what he says, avoid arguing in his presence, this might lead to a high blood pressure. And always try to make him happy." the doctor further explained.

"Thank you doctor, we will try our best possible to take care of him" we both chorused.

By the time we went back to João's room, he was already wide awake but still in pain. I glanced at Roberto, he was so pale, and then it hit me.

He was the only family we both had left. Seeing him die is like having a major part of us drained.

I decided to make him happy for the rest of his life no matter what.

"Come sons, I have something important to tell you both." João said, his voice barely a whisper.
We both rushed to his side. Me, at his left and Roberto at his right. He clasped our hands with his and drew us near.

"I don't know if the doctor has told you anything but I think I'm dying. I'm already an old man and have possibly a few more years to live. But before I die, I want you both to do something for me." He spoke fluently in Portuguese, our native language.

"What do you want us to do Pai (father in Portuguese)? We will do anything to make you happy." I said with every bit of confidence I had in me.

"Well, I want you both to get married before I die. I need to hold my grandchildren in my arms. That will make me the happiest man on earth."

"But how can we get married, seeing that all the women we've come across only want us for our money? This is a very tough request." Roberto explained and I nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry. I've prayed about it and God told me you both will find happiness in marriage. Just open your hearts to love. When you both meet the right women, never let them go. Fight for love! And don't forget to seek God's guidance in this. Adrian, I don't know why you still haven't forgiven God for the loss of your family. God has given you a new family, Roberto and I. You need him."

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