Chapter 32

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So I was just wondering, my birthday is December 3rd and I have never met anyone sharing the same birthday with me. I've met a lot of people but not one has ever shared the same date with me.
Do you?
Please let me know in the comments. It would be an exciting news.

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Isi's POV.

The day after, I called Graça and Melissa so we could arrange to meet for our Girls day out. We agreed to go to the Cinema to see a movie, then proceed to the mall to shop till we drop and also  have dinner.

After Adrian and I had breakfast, I told him about our plan but he refused to let me go.

"Adrian you know I have to meet with them, I can't stay here forever. I need some time out with my friends once in a while." I tried to make him understand.

"But with all that has been going on, you need to stay indoors. Henry is out there. He might get you if he sees you. Please stay."

"I can't. I made a promise to them."

"I won't go to work today. I'll stay with you to keep you company." He insisted.

"I appreciate your care and concern for me but you can't just stay at home with me. What about work? You haven't paid much attention to it. I'm scared it might just crumble all because of me."

If Adrian loses his company or something bad happens to it on my behalf, I would never forgive myself.

"You're missing the point. Family comes first. You, my brother and my father are the only people I've got and I can't loose you. I need you with me. "

He looked sad and I knew he meant what he said. After the death of his family, he was extra careful with us and that means a lot to me. I moved towards him and hugged him, transferring all my love to him and letting him know that I appreciate all he has done.

I admire his strength and love. He never showed it to others but when he's with me, João and Roberto, I always feel love radiating from him. He is selfless and would do whatever it takes to protect the people he loves.

"Graça got engaged. I haven't been with her and Melissa for as long as I can remember. I need to see them. Please let me go. I promise to contact you if anything unusual happens."

He sighed and pulled me closer, his chin resting on my head making me feel warm.

"She's engaged to the guy at my dad's birthday party, isn't she?" He asked. I only nodded because the position I was in was too comfortable.

"I knew it. They both have a great chemistry. You can go but be careful okay?"  He cautioned and I smiled.

"One more thing. Turn on your phone's GPS so I will be able to track you whenever the need arises." He advised again.

"I will."  To please him further, I brought out my phone and turned the GPS on.

"Thanks."  Because I am quite short, I stood on my tiptoes to give him a peck on his cheek.

"Is that all your dear boyfriend gets for this? A mere peck on the cheek?" There was a huge smirk on his face. I reached up to him and kissed him. He kissed me back immediately, holding me firmly on the waist and pulling me closer. He nibbled on my lips and I slightly parted my lips only for him to put his tongue in my mouth. I moaned out loud. The kiss which started out slow and sensuous turned out wild and erotic. Before I knew it, I was being carried, baby style backwards until my back touched something hard and cold and I realized it was the wall. My legs were wrapped around his groin and my hands swiftly moved to his neck for support. The kiss went on and on until I felt my night dress go up and his hand on my thigh. I knew we had to stop. I wasn't ready for this yet.

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