Chapter 4

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Nobody has made any move to make a cover for BREATHE. So there is no dedication to anyone for this chapter*literally sad*but the good news is you can still help me if you are interested, and when you do, the next chapter I'll publish at that time will be dedicated to you. Thanks.
Also from this chapter on,I'll be adding a few languages especially Portuguese since it's the language setting.But don't worry, they won't be too much or complicated. I'll make this book enjoyable for all my readers. Enjoy!!!

Adrian's P.O.V

I was still dumbstruck by what she said. What guts does she have to tell me this? How dare she do this to me? No one has ever been sane enough to insult me. But on the other hand she looked good, far better than the tons of girls I've been with. She had a chocolate smooth skin,long hair, curvy shape,dark brown eyes etc. A very feisty little thing—I bet she's about five feet five inches—energetic and.... What the hell am I doing thinking about her and imagining things?

The sound of Roberto's laughter brought me out of my reverie.

"Why are you laughing?" I boomed, "What's so amusing?"

"Dude, you should have seen your face when she clapped back at you, she's different and I like her."

Roberto's confession made me puzzled.

"You like her? Why?" I asked.

"No, not the way you think. I like her attitude, she's a no nonsense kind of girl. My dad speaks highly of her every time he calls or visits."

"She was brought here from Nigeria to help me organise this branch of the company. She speaks our language, portuguese fluently, together with French and Spanish." He continued.

All these made me intrigued by the woman who just went into the elevator. Indeed I won't judge a book by its cover next time.

"Você gosta dela, you like her!" Roberto added again.

"No, I don't, I just feel remorseful that's all." I denied.

"Amigo you can't lie to me,we are like brothers. I can see through you and I know you can do the same to me. Well right now, I'll advice you to try to apologise. Do it romantically, send flowers, cards and so on, women love those kind of gestures." he advised.

"Okay okay, I'll do it" I conceded. I decided I had to make amends anyway.

"But try not to hurt her feelings. I know a good girl when I see one. Dad made me promise to watch over her. She's like a little sister to me. So please if you eventually like her more as time goes on, treat her right or else dad will have your hide for this" he further admonished.

"I'll try my best" I said with every ounce of sincerity I had in me.

Later that day, I ordered a large bouquet of flowers to be sent to her. And in an envelope, I inscribed;

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me. Let's start over again. Dinner?

I waited for two hours, no reply. I decided to send a box of chocolates. Women seem to like it, I dunno why. Three more hours of waiting and no reply, I decided to seek the advice of my friend. The call automatically went to voicemail. Knowing he was busy, I decided to leave a message telling him about my predicament. He called later, reminding me to take it slow and not ruin anything, but knowing my impatience, he encouraged me to go talk to her.

I busied myself deciding on going back to Roberto's office later in the day when I knew she would be ready to go home. On getting there, I saw her at the major entrance to the building, holding the flowers and chocolate while smiling to herself.

Could it be that she was happy with my gift? Is she going to her house to keep it there? Or could it be that she has a boyfriend whom she was rushing home to in order to tell him about her ordeals with me today?

Several questions flooded my mind. Immediately after she got into her car, I rushed into mine commanding Fernando, my chauffer/bodyguard to tail behind.

I had an inkling that something was up and I was determined to find out what it is.

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