Chapter 26

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Isi's POV

Last night was the best night of my life. Ironically, it happened in the hospital where we all know crazy and sad things happen. Finally we confessed our feelings and this was a huge step in our relationship.
I woke up feeling happier than ever before, looking forward to a bright day ahead. Adrian had already ordered for the room to be cleaned last night because its a hospital after all. He was by my side, reading the Bible and I decided not to disturb him. But as soon as he realized I was awake, he closed it.

"I've got good news." He sounded really happy as he spoke which made me super curious.

"What is it?"

"I spoke with the doctor while you were asleep. You're gonna be discharged this evening."

"Really? Cool! I can't wait to be out of here. For the past few weeks now, I haven't seen anything but these four walls and the bathroom." I couldn't hide my excitement.

''I'm happy too. I've never been a fan of hospitals." His expression turned sad and I knew he was thinking about the family he lost. Reaching out to him, I grabbed his hands trying to comfort him.

"It's okay babe. You have a new family now. You have João, Roberto and me." I said, reassuringly. He was smiling like a lunatic.

"What's amusing?" I asked.

"You just called me 'babe'." he said, using air quotes which made me laugh.

"So out of everything I said, that was the only thing you heard? You're crazy."

"Yes, I'm crazy for you." He said, winking. My heart fluttered. Hearing these words always made me happy. The moment was interrupted by my his phone ringing. I wondered what happened to my phone at the time I was almost killed. I knew the car was severely damaged which therefore means my phone was in the same condition. Adrian's voice brought me out of my reverie.

"That was the detective. He'll be coming over today to ask you a few questions. Will you be able to answer his questions? If you can't, I'll tell him to cancel."

"I'll answer everything. You don't need to be worried." I want justice for the damage he or she caused.

"You know I'll always be worried when it comes to you. He'll be here in about seven minutes. He is in the neighborhood." He said and I nodded

A few minutes later, a man and woman knocked and entered and I assumed they were the detectives.

"Hello Miss Isi. I am the detective who came before and this is my assistant. We came to ask you a few questions. Are you ready?" The detective said. He looked really friendly.

"I am ready detective." I said, my voice firm and sure.

"I don't know if anyone has told you yet but it wasn't an accident. Someone did this to possibly kill you. But thank God you survived."

"Yes, thank God I did. I know it wasn't an accident." I replied.

"Can you explain everything from the time of the party to when you became unconscious? Please don't hide anything from us. We need all the information we can get."

"Okay. Well, I left the party because I felt depressed that Adrian, my boyfriend was speaking with someone I felt was a competition. When I saw them hugging, that made me melancholic." I paused because Adrian was holding my hands, with a look of apology. I smiled showing my forgiveness. It was already in the past now.

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