Chapter 21

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The next chapter will be dedicated to you. Thank you.
This chapter will be on Isi's POV  (Hurray! At last).

Isi's  POV

     I was near, but felt so far. I could hear them speak, feel them move, but I couldn't reach out to  them.
    I heard someone cry, it sounded strange but I could decipher who  it was.


    Why was he crying? Was he hurt? His hand was holding mine and I tried to reach out to him but couldn't.
     I have never felt this weak and fragile in my whole life . I wanted to speak, to ask him why he was in tears, soothe and comfort him if possible but there was something like a void between us.
    I heard the door open and someone came in. Where am I? This place is just too quiet.  Adrian was fumbling  with something and I realised he was trying  to put himself  together and not cry in front of whoever was present. Ah! My Adrian... Always trying be a man in every way. I felt proud of the fact that whatever was making him cry,  couldn't make him break down in the presence of others. I wanted to smile but couldn't.

"Hello, I'm doctor Gustavo. I'm the doctor assigned to this floor.... "
    What! So I'm currently in a hospital? This suddenly explains why I couldn't move or do what I wanted. But why am I in a hospital? I tried to put the puzzles together and then I remembered.... The party, Adrian and Denise, leaving the party in Martin's car, stopping  for a while to cry and get myself together, the truck hitting the car consistently, the driver wearing a mask, the car somersaulting, me bleeding all over, shattered  glasses of the car, remembering Hebrews chapter 13 verse 5b, and finally, being unconscious.
    Oh my God! I felt like  screaming and crying but nothing  seemed to work. But did they know that  this wasn't an accident? What have I done  to make someone try to kill me? Oh no! Feeling weaker than ever,  I became unconscious again, much to my disappointment.
    I could feel myself being aware of my surroundings again, this time I heard Roberto and Adrian speaking.

"I'm not leaving this hospital till she wakes up..."  Adrian said.

    My heart warmed and fluttered by his words. He is in love with me! I felt like drinking a full  glass of champagne, wearing a fancy dress, walking around the streets of Brazil, and telling  everyone that Adrian is in love with me.
    Love is blissful, especially if it is reciprocated. It is a joyous feeling, it makes you happy and makes you sad. When two people find love, it spreads to others around them. I've always believed in love but never felt it until now.  Being with Adrian and knowing  he loves me, is enough to make me burst with  happiness.

But  I couldn't  at the moment.

   A few minutes later,  I heard voices,  some were familiar,  others weren't. I recognised João's and Roberto's but the other two, I couldn't detect. Where is Adrian, is he still  in the room? On cue, a door opened and closed  and I heard his voice.

"What's wrong?... "
    By the tone  of his voice, I knew something was indeed wrong.

"I am detective... We found out that  it wasn't an accident  and whoever is responsible, wanted to kill her"

   Phew!  I heaved a sigh of relief inwardly, happy to know that at least they found out it wasn't an accident and justice will prevail in this.
    "Son, you need to eat something. Christina made you some food and some fruit juice. You don't want Isi waking up to see you emaciated,do you?" João said.

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