Chapter 19

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So sorry guys for the late update on the last chapter. This chapter will also be on Adrian's POV because as we all know, Isi is unconscious and I don't want to write on her view yet. Perhaps the next chapter. Enjoy!

Adrian's POV

I was sweating profusely. So many thoughts crossed my mind. Why didn't I wait earlier at the accident scene to see who it was even if it was just out of concern? We humans tend to forget about others and think of ourselves alone. If only I had tried to... I just couldn't understand what was happening. Maybe after she saw me and Denise, she cried and wasn't able to concentrate which led to the accident.
I wonder how she felt before and after the accident. My thoughts diverted when my phone chimed indicating a message from Roberto.

Rio de Janeiro general hospital, Brazil. Be safe!

I couldn't text back because I was driving so I decided to speed up to the hospital. It was a massive hospital, everywhere was crowded with sick people at the main floor. I just hope it won't be this overcrowded wherever she is right now. I met and asked the receptionist the direction.

"Are you family?" She asked me.

"Um, I'm her boyfriend. She doesn't have any family here. Her family lives in Africa. She works here."

"Okay sir. Please sign here and write your name and details so we can contact you if need be."

I signed and wrote down the necessary details.

"So please where is she?" I asked in anticipation. I just wanted to see her in order to know if she is alright.

"Wait a moment sir. Let me find out." I don't know if it was my imagination but she searched the computer extremely slowly to answer my question and I swear that was the longest moment of my life. I didn't want to shout at her because she might end up distracted.

"Well, she is at the twelfth floor. Room 35, just take the elevator over there." She said, pointing straight ahead. I thanked her and left. On getting to the elevator, there were so many people in it. What kind of crappy hospital is this? I pressed the twelfth floor button and waited impatiently for it to get there. When we got to the twelfth floor and the elevator opened, I excused myself from the old lady who sat on a wheel chair in front of me.
The twelfth floor was so peaceful, I felt it was another part of the hospital entirely. Thank God for the peace, she'll be able to get maximum rest here. The place was neat and too quiet like no one was in it. Hospitals have always been a place of fright for me. I never liked going because I always got bad news each time I came. Heaving a sigh, I searched for room 35. When I found the inscription of the number on the door, I was hesitant to open it because I didn't know what I'd find behind it. Summoning courage, I opened it and was shocked to the core.

She was lying on the bed and looked so pale. If not for the sound coming from the machine indicating the pulse beat, one would think she was dead. Like a force I couldn't comprehend, I drew close to her got another shock immediately. Her face was bruised. She had injuries all over her body. Her lips...those lips I longed for to kiss were swollen and her eyes were shut with little bruises on them also.

I grasped her hand and cried. I cried so hard. I cried for the realisation that I was in love with someone for the first time ever but haven't been given the chance to tell her or show it to her. I cried for the little time I've had so far with her. I cried also for others in this hospital and all over the world who are in this position as I am.

The last time I cried this much, was when my family passed away. But this was much worse. I was all grown up and the pain felt much worse. I looked around the room and found a chair close to the window. I brought it close to her bed, held her hand gently this time and continued crying. I was startled when the door slammed shut. I looked up an saw the doctor. He was quite old, in his fifties I guess, but looked like a man of experience. I quickly cleaned my tears with my shirt so as not to look too sappy.

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