Chapter 22

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Hello there! I'm currently listening to music while writing this chapter. Here are some of the songs I've listened to so far:
Words - Skylar grey
To be human -Sia ft Labrinth
Arms - Christina Perri
Grace - Michael W. Smith
You saved me - R Kelly
Don't hesitate to download them, they are amazing.

Isi's POV

A few days past, I have begun to feel and know more about my surroundings which was only the hospital room of course. The detectives came again but left soon after they found out I haven't woken up yet.
It was evening I could tell because everywhere was airy and light, the whole place had a silence that only the evening could bring. Suddenly, a wave of cool air seeped through me and...

I opened my eyes.

I blinked three times to be sure I was indeed awake. I looked around me. The light was set dim so as not to disturb me. I was undoubtedly in a hospital room, a pipe of drips was connected into me through a needle at my right hand. A television was on and had Despacito remix playing. It was amusing that I could remember Justin Bieber right now as he sang. But the TV was muted and I couldn't hear the lyrics. The only sound present was the sound of the machine close by, indicating my pulse and heartbeat.
A soft snore erupted and I looked down from my position on the bed to see Adrian sleeping. His left hand was holding mine even in his sleep. I closed my eyes, revelling in the feeling of his touch.
Finally I am awake.
Finally I can feel, sense, touch and be human again.
Finally I can be with my one true love!

Not wasting time, I reached out to him with my left hand that was free and tugged gently at his hair, to wake him up. He stirred and scratched his hair then looked at me. He seemed spellbound and astonished that I was awake. I smiled and urged him to speak but he didn't speak, obviously overwhelmed. On cue, I decided to speak first instead.

"Ad... Adrian." I stuttered.

And then the tears came. I reached out to wipe his while he did the same to mine.

"Oh my God! Isi, I can't believe you're awake. It's been so long... He cleared his throat and continued, "I've missed you so much."

"Shh! Don't talk for now, just hold me, kiss me." I whispered.

Smiling, he said "Your wish is my command."

He stood from his sitting position and I scooted over so he could get enough space on the bed. When he was comfortably lying down, he hesitated a bit as if to be sure that I was strong enough to do what he had in mind, I nodded to show my approval. With that assurance, he cradled my face in his hands and I shut my eyes immediately awaiting his lips. When his lips found mines, I felt an indescribable burst of happiness within me and I kissed him back with longing, using my free hand to fondle his face.
The kiss went on and on until we both had to come up for air. We kept looking at each, not saying a word, letting our eyes do the communication.

"I thought I had lost you, you were in a coma for so long." He said, breaking the eyes contest.

"How long have I been in a coma?" I asked, wanting to know all the details.

"One week, fives days and..." He checked his watch and continued, "Twenty hours and twenty two minutes ago."

So he counted the time consistently, just waiting for me to wake up? I smiled, totally pleased with his actions.

"Why are you smiling?" he seemed puzzled as he asked.

"You remembered how long I was in a coma even to the point of counting the minutes."

"Of course I did. That has been the only thing I did the whole time. I kept checking my watch, waiting for you to wake up." As he spoke, he caressed my hair, I sighed, enjoying the feeling of his touch.

"You know, I think I should call the doctor, he said to let him know when you're awake." For a moment, I had forgotten where we were.

"Not now please. I just want you to hold me till I sleep. You can call him in the morning. Moreover, you look tired. Let's just sleep okay?" I didn't want to ruin the moment with the doctor's presence. I just wanted him to hold me till the break of dawn.

"But what if you don't wake up later? What if you leave me? I can't bear that." He looked devastated as he spoke.

"I'm fine. Nothing is gonna happen to me, you're stuck with me for a long time." I replied. I didn't want to say 'forever or eternity' because I was scared that we wouldn't last that long. As if reading my thoughts, he replied,


"What?" I couldn't believe what I heard.

"You're stuck with me, not for a long time, but forever."

"Forever." I let the word flow off my tongue, savouring it.

"I like the sound of that. We are stuck with each other forever." I whispered and he smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" It was my turn to ask.

"I'm happy that you're awake. There's so much I want to say and show to you but let's start that in the morning." He smiled as he spoke.

His smile was so contagious, I smiled in return.

"Instead of waiting till morning, you can kiss me all night long." I said.

"Your wish is my command." He said again, before moving on to fulfilling my wish.

I don't know how long we would be together but I made a note within me to appreciate every time we had together, even the good and bad times because such is life.

This is a short chapter but it was worth it. I've not been updating regularly nowadays, please bear with me. Just keep reading, voting and commenting. I still need a new cover for BREATHE. So please all those interested, endeavor to make it and send to my email:
Thank you so much!


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