Chapter 13

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This chapter is dedicated to crazziedaisy for the new cover photo of BREATHE you sent to me. Thank you so much!

Isi's POV

When he left, I felt a part of me leave. But I knew I'd see him soon. I got up early the next morning and prepared for work. This time, I wore a yellow jumpsuit to express my emotions. In my opinion, yellow signifies happiness and I was extremely happy. On my way to work, I stopped by the coffee shop to get some coffee and cupcakes for my colleagues.
Immediately I got to the floor/section of my office, I was welcomed by Adressa, Graça, Federico and Melissa, my close pals at the office.

"Isi, how are you? Hope you had a great weekend?" Graça asked, hugging me.

"Yes, I did. And you all?" I asked them.

"We all did." They chorused.

I handed each of them a cup of coffee and a cupcake. They were so excited, apparently, they haven't had breakfast. They thanked me for my thoughtfulness and generosity.

"Alright. Let's get to work. We've got to finish our various assignments for the day. We can talk during lunch." Andressa said. She has always been the mother figure in our midst. Always trying to make us do the right thing at the right time.

We parted ways and hurried into our various offices. My job was always to translate various Portuguese documents to English in order for them to be sent to the areas where they are needed all over the world.
Few minutes to lunch time, I heard a loud noise coming from my floor. I hurried out to check what the noise was all about, that was when I saw it.
A very large bouquet of flowers was placed on a counter and a man who appeared to be the delivery guy was pushing it forward. All my colleagues, the rest of the people at my office floor and I, were astonished. The delivery guy stopped in front of us.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for someone named Isi. I heard she works at this floor" he said.

I was too dumbfounded, so I just rose up my hand to indicate myself.

"Well, these flowers are for you. If you may kindly sign here, I'll be out of here. I know you're busy and I don't want to trouble you." He continued, showing me where to sign. I had trouble signing because I was nervous. I'm sure this would be the next trending topic at the office-- a voice in me said. I gave him a tip before he left.
I glanced at my friends and I saw their surprised expressions as expected. I haven't told them about Adrian yet. I decided to do so at that moment.

"Guys, C'mon its lunch time!" I told them. I managed to carry the flowers into my office without trampling on them but I took along with me the note that was attached to the letter.
I got to the cafeteria, located my friends and sat down on the seat they had kept for me.

"Spill it." Federico said.

"Wait, I have to see who it is first." I opened the note and read it out loud "Miss you already - Adrian."

"Adrian who? Don't tell me its the Adrian we all know." Andressa was the one who spoke this time around.

"Its him" I confirmed.

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