Chapter 20

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Hi dear family ( I consider all my readers family from now on) thank you so much for everything. This chapter is dedicated to anyone who has taken his/her time to read, comment, vote, added my story to your reading list, and supported BREATHE in anyway possible. Love you all.

Adrian's POV

"Adrian, I think you should go home. You look like a mess. You haven't even taken off your party suit. You smell like hell. I want you to go home and rest brother." Roberto suggested, patting me on my shoulder.

"I'm not leaving this hospital till she wakes up. There's nothing you or anyone would say to make me change my mind." My mind was already made up. I can't leave her side. She is like a magnet, pulling me and I couldn't resist her.

To my surprise, he grinned.

"I kinda knew you'd say that so I brought you some clothes, a toothbrush and paste, a comb and your cologne. I also brought coffee to help you stay awake." I was impressed that he brought these things.

"Also, the doctor told me there is a bathroom in this room. I guess its the door over there." He pointed to the door in the room that I haven't checked so far. I haven't been able to do much surveying of the room ever since I came in. I was just too engrossed in the woman who makes me strive to be a better person.

"I haven't seen it yet but I will check it out soon."

There was a pause.

"How does it feel Adrian?" He questioned.

"How does what feel?" I questioned in return, sounding uninterested. I wasn't in the mood for small talk. My heart hadn't recovered yet and it won't till she wakes up and I tell her I love her.

"How does it feel to be in love? In retrospect to your past, you've never been in a relationship with any woman for a long time. Suddenly you met Isi and although you haven't been together for long, you've changed. I don't see you talking to other women with that philandering glint in your eyes. You don't look at anyone but her. What happened?" He was seated on a chair I hadn't noticed also. Has the chair been in this room since? Well that's not where my interest is based right now. When I looked at him, he was staring back, waiting patiently for my answer.

"Roberto, I can't even explain it. Its beyond my comprehension. If I was told last year that I'd be in love this year, I'd definitely never believe it. But there's this hole in me that only she can fill. My heart beats for her, when I'm with her and even when she's far away. Its like a force keeps drawing me to her. After we bumped into each other at the elevator in your office," he nodded, emphasizing that he clearly remembers. "I kept thinking about her ever since. Truly, I've never met a woman like her before. She's different. When she looks at me I feel a sudden burst of joy within. Love is a happy feeling. You should fall in love soon." I advised.

"I wish. But I feel that sometimes love is a burden. Look at you, you haven't left this damn hospital since you came, you aren't even bothered by your appearance, when girls throw themselves at you now, you never notice. I just feel its a burden, being with one woman for the rest of my life."

His comment made me laugh for the first time today.

"I felt like that too. I always asked myself this question 'why would I be tied to one woman when I can have them all at my beck and call?' But right now I want to spend the rest of my life with this woman here, making everyday memorable. Getting married, having children and spending the rest of our lives together. Its us against the world. You won't understand now but you will when the time comes."

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