Chapter 30

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This chapter is dedicated to ellie_the_author A very talented writer whom I just came across a few days ago. Readers go check out her books. They are good.

Isi's POV

After Adrian left, I decided I was going to look around the environment and adapt to it. I was happy to be living here but I still missed my apartment. Running up the stairs, I went into my room to take a shower. After that, I wore a black sweatshirt and matching sweatpants and placed my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants. I quickly made and ate my breakfast which consisted of toast, bacon and eggs with coffee. After eating, I hurried outside. The scent of the leaves and trees made me feel refreshed. I glanced at the little flowers around. They haven't blossomed yet. Going over to the stable, I came across the manager, named Jose who took care of the horses. We talked for a few minutes and then he let me ride the white horse named Morning, because she was born in the morning. I only rode a horse when I was quite young and went to a park with my siblings. Ever since then, I wanted to ride one but didn't come across any. Over the years, as I grew up, I forgot about horses but now that I'm here, I decided to seize the opportunity.

Jose helped me saddle up and climb the horse. He thought me how to ride it and thirty minutes later, I rode it on my own but was still an amateur.

I rode the horse for a few more hours. It gave me an opportunity to see parts of the land on the premises which hadn't been used. When we got to the lake, I came down from the horse and tied it to the branch of a tree. I walked down to it. I couldn't swim as a result of the cold weather so I sat by the shore to think. I thought about everything I have through so far, how my life turned out, my career, friends, family and everything.

God has blessed me with so many good things and people that I don't deserve. I was indeed grateful to Him. I was glad I had Adrian in my life. He helped me in so many ways. I always thought our relationship was doomed from the start but it turned out differently. I think I need to do something to show him my appreciation. But what should I do? Mulling over what to do, I made a decision. I would bake a chocolate cake for him. Standing up and dusting my sweatpants, I climbed the horse again back to the stable, thanked Jose and ran back to the house.

On getting to the kitchen, I washed my hands and brought out the ingredients. Adrian's store always had a never ending supply of food stuff and cooking equipments. I brought out ingredients like flour, eggs, sugar, butter, chocolate flavor and so on. After mixing everything and putting it all in the baking pan, I placed it in the oven to bake and timed it. Forty five minutes later, it was ready. I also took out the ingredients for icing it. While mixing them together, my phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID and saw Graça's name written on it. I picked up the call immediately.

"Hello dear."

"Hey girl. How are you?" She sounded happy. I heard some squeals in the background and heard Melissa begging her to put the call on speaker. She obliged and Melissa spoke.

"Isi, baby girl how are you? We miss you." She said.

"I'm fine honey. I miss you both so much. This place is boring."

"We went to your apartment yesterday but the cops were there and said we couldn't go in. What happened?" Graça asked.

I narrated the whole incidents to them. They were in shock when I was through with my explanation.

"Who is after your life and what exactly do they want?" Melissa asked after she regained herself.

"Beats me. I've tried to reason it out but it's beyond my comprehension." I replied.

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