Chapter 27

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How are you all today? I can't believe we are in September. Happy New month to you all. May this month bring out the best in you in Jesus name. Amen.
Enjoy and don't forget to follow me!

Adrian's POV

At last she has been discharged. Being in the hospital when she was in a coma made me exceedingly sorrowful. But knowing now that she is alive, healthy and strong made me the happiest man on earth.

I am in love and it made me do things that may look silly to the ordinary man. But someone who shares this same profound feeling with me will understand.
I decided to organize a surprise party for her when she returned home. When I called everyone, they happily obliged which fully showed that she had won their hearts.
I didn't want to leave her side for two main reasons. Firstly, I couldn't bear to leave her side, she was like a drug I was addicted to and secondly, with the accident, scratch that, attack she experienced, it meant she wasn't safe. I wanted to spend the night with her and also insist she stays with me. My house is well secured and large enough for more than thirty people to live comfortably.
But she didn't agree so I had to obey, it was her choice after all. I didn't want to be the one to choke her or make her get tired of me so I decided to concur with her idea.
When I got home that night, I did what I hadn't done in my entire life. I went straight into my room, went on my knees and thanked God for everything he had done so far and he planned on doing. I also asked Him for His protection and guidance. Citing Matthew chapter 7 verse 7 which said "Ask and it shall be given unto you...", I believed that he had heard and answered me.
The next day which was Sunday, my dad, brother and I went to church. Everyone was surprised to see me since I hadn't been to church for a very long time. My dad just kept smiling each time I glanced at him. Roberto on the other hand, hadn't got a hang of me acknowledging God and coming to church so each time I looked at him, he'd motion to the door, silently asking if I wanted to leave. At the end of the service, the pastor, Pastor Matthew, a Mexican missionary transfered to Brazil to oversee this church, called me into his office. I excused myself and went into his office. He asked me why I decided to come since I hadn't been here in a long while. Choosing to say the truth, I told him everything. From my proximity with God at a tender age, the death of my biological parents and younger brother, the end of my faith in God, my new dad and brother, João and Roberto, my promiscuous life, Isi's appearance into my life and me desiring to change, reading the Bible and praying, my first encounter with God, Isi's attack, my second encounter with God which made me finally accept him back into my life, Isi's return from the hospital, and finally my decision to come to church.
He listened with rapt attention, never interrupting and when I was through with my explanation, he sighed and told me I made the right decision by accepting God back into my life. He said there will still be a little trouble but God would protect me. He told me to stop fornicating and focus on one woman, and that if Isi is the right woman, I should go ahead and marry her because according to him, "Why waste time when you've found the love of your life?" He prayed for me urged me to see him whenever I needed counseling and prayer. I thanked him and left.

In the Afternoon, I had lunch with my family at the family house and we talked about random subjects. After lunch, we took turns in playing chess, and other indoor games. My brother and I had so much fun that we decided to spend the night there with our father.
I called Isi that night through her home telephone and we talked for almost two hours. She went to church today too and I invited her to come with me to mine the next Sunday. I was against her starting work tomorrow but she had already made up her mind so there was no stopping her. We both didn't want to hang up but after a ceaseless banter on who should hang up, I did, but not before exchanging "I love you" between us.
Making a decision to pray always before sleeping, I prayed and slept peacefully.

Monday came.

I resumed work since I had been conducting most of my work at the hospital while taking care of Isi, through the great assistance from my secretary, Louisa. I had several board meetings with my clients. My secretary did a lot to help me sort through my schedule, which was why I increased her salary.

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