Chapter 40

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Adrian's POV

We got home at midnight and we crashed, memories of the day buried in fatigue. I held Isi close to me, afraid that if I let her go, she'd leave me alone forever.

I never knew Louisa liked me, scratch that, She was obsessed with me. She seemed like a normal person at the office. She was beautiful, classy, every man's dream but I never got close to her because I had made a strict rule never to have an office romance or affair with any of my workers. So in my eyes, she was just an employee and nothing more.

In the morning, I hopped into the shower and when I came out, Isi was still asleep. I decided to make some breakfast for us. I made some noodles garnished with carrots, tomatoes, pepper, hotdogs and smoothies.

I woke her up and then we ate. She finished hers and asked for more and I suddenly felt remorseful again. If I had remembered her phone's GPS and found her earlier, she wouldn't have been left to starve to death.

I decided to make it up to her. I gave her more food and when she was satisfied I readied a hot tub bath for her so she would thoroughly wash herself. She smiled and I knew I was making progress.

While she bathed, I called my family doctor to give her the necessary treatments for her to recover. The doctor arrived as soon she got dressed. He inspected the injury on her leg, applied some antibiotics and gave her some prescribed drugs to help heal the injury faster.

He left twenty minutes later.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening watching some movies, we talked about yesterday's incidents and clarified everything.

About 10pm, when we were ready for bed, my phone chimed, indicating a message. It was a message from Leo, the detective.

Hello Adrian, how are you and Isi? I trust you are recuperating. I just wanted to let you know that Henry is dead. Apparently after we told him about the death of his sister, he was heartbroken and committed suicide. We found him in his cell this afternoon dangling in the air with a thick rope tied around his neck that hung on a circular pole in the ceiling. He left a letter for you and Isi. I want you both to come to the station tomorrow so you can receive it. Till then, take care. - Leo Manuel.

"What's wrong Adrian?" Isi inquired. I seemed rooted on the spot after I read the message.

"Henry is dead. He killed himself this morning." She gasped. "He also left a letter for both of us. Leo wants us to come to the station tomorrow."

"I feel so sorry for him. Let's go there tomorrow okay?" She replied and I nodded.


At the station the next day, we weren't allowed to see the corpse.

"Since he has no relative left, we have decided to bury him today at the state cemetery." said Antonia when we got into Leo's office.

"Here's the letter. We'll give you both some privacy." He said and they both left Isi and I so we could read the letter alone. It was a white sheet of paper neatly folded with our names in bold letters on the front page.

I sighed, unfolded the piece of paper and began to read aloud so Isi would hear as well.

"Adrian, Isi. It wouldn't be right for me to use the word "Dear" in the beginning because with what I have done to both of you, that word wouldn't amount to anything. This morning, after hearing of the death of my sister, Louisa, I sat on this bed in my cell and began to think. There are things I wished I could have done and things I wish I could do right now.

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