Chapter 36

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I wish someone would create a movie trailer for this story. Most stories I've read here often have trailers and I wonder how it's done. Please if you're reading this and can make a movie trailer for BREATHE, please create and send it and I will be eternally grateful to you.  Thank you all for sticking with me.

Back to Business!!!

Let's take a journey through Louisa's mind, shall we?

Louisa's POV

Four years ago!!!

I've never been happy. I'm referring to the happiness where you know, you have this silly grin on your face and smile over cheesy things without a care in the world. Well, if you count the time before my parents died, you might say I was a happy child  but my life was ruined the time I lost my parents.

I lost my parents when I was eight. My mom would sing to me every bed time. I always had nightmares at least five times a week. I'd wake up screaming and she'll run into my room comforting me. She was sweet and kind and taught me how to be good to people.

My dad helped my brother and I do most of our homework. Every Saturday, he'd take my brother to baseball practice and in the evening, he'd give us both piggyback rides and tickle us till we laughed and were exhausted. He was so fun to be with.

My parents loved each other so much. My mom used to say my dad was her Prince Charming and dad would call her his Cinderella. Every Sunday evening, the teenage girl down the street would come to babysit my brother and I while my parents went to dinner. Her name was Becky, I remember this because my brother, Henry used to have a childish crush on her and he'd say they were soulmates. During holidays, we traveled to different countries, to have quality family time. We were very rich but dad and mom were so down to earth that you wouldn't know unless you came to our house which was a mansion.

Life was a fairytale until they died.

They both died in a plane crash and this left Henry and I as orphans. I didn't understand the word 'orphan' and always waited for my parents to come everyday. When we were transfered to a foster home, the truth finally dawned on me that I had lost my parents.

The nightmares became worse that they seemed real. Each night had a different nightmare worse than the last and I would scream, waking everyone up. Henry begged my foster mom to put us in the same room so that he would be there to comfort me and I was grateful for that.

In high school, I never had friends. No one wanted to be close to me even at the cafeteria, they would ignore me like I was the plague so I ended up having my lunch in the toilet. I always wondered why I was being treated like that but I could never come up with a reasonable explanation.

One day, a group of girls came to me and poured their food all over me. The whole school erupted into a ceaseless laughter and that was how it started. Everyday at lunch, I was bullied. I always came home crying and my brother was always there to comfort me.

One day, he devised a plan for us to get back at the girls. He was very good in Physics and Chemistry so he made an electric barbwire and placed it in their lockers so they would get electrocuted. They all opened their lockers at the same time and were electrocuted. They were five girls. Four were critically injured but the last one, the Queen bee, died instantly. She had some health issues and the electrocution made it worse.

Instead of feeling remorseful about her death and the injury of the rest, we were delighted on the grand revenge.

We started plotting evil deeds to anyone who crossed our paths. A boy, Matthew asked me out in eight grade, I was excited and agreed but later found out that he only asked me out to humiliate me in the presence of his friends. I felt bad and told my brother. Henry went to his house at midnight, two weeks later so that there won't be any suspicions, He took a pair of sharp scissors and cut off his balls. In the morning he was rushed to the hospital. He almost died but recovered after six months. The doctors said he would forever be impotent.

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