Chapter 37

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Isi's POV

Slowly, I became conscious and looked around me. The place was lucid enough for me to see around. The room looked old and had rusty furniture. The walls needed to be repainted. There was only one bulb in the room but it was bright enough to illuminate the room. There was a rusty looking staircase by the left side of the room. I realized I was in a basement.

I felt so tired, weak and hungry. I must have been here for days because the food I ate at the restaurant had gone out of my system.

My eyes were itchy and I tried to scratch it but my hands wouldn't give in. I looked behind me to see that I was placed to sit on a chair with my hands behind me and they were duct taped. So were my legs and mouth.

I vividly remember everything that went on before I lost consciousness. Louisa did this to me. But why? What exactly have I done to deserve this.

On cue, the door swung open and in came Louisa. Fully dressed in black. Her hair was tied in a bun and she had no make up on. She looked like she walked in straight out of hell.

"Well, well, well. Look who's awake, The man snatcher." Her voice lacked its usual softness and I started to wonder if her gentle behavior was just a façade.

The slap I received, proved me right. It was so hard I believed she had metal hands. She yanked off the duct tape on my mouth, adding more pain to the slap. After a while, I was able to speak.

"Louisa, what have I done? You have been nothing but wicked to me and I'm still oblivious to the actual reason." My cheek hurt so much from the slap.

"You took him away from me, you whore. I am better than you in terms of looks, charisma and strength. But you managed to steal him from me." She screamed and out came another slap on the same cheek.

Tears blurred my vision. Who did I steal from her? She seemed to understand my confusion because she spoke.

"Let me tell you my story." She whispered to me.

She went along to tell me everything. From when she was happy with her parents until they died and how her world turned into utter sadness. I felt sympathetic to her plight but when she talked about the boy her brother cut off his balls, I knew they were both sick people.

She additionally explained how I allegedly stole Adrian from her. She told me about all she and her brother did in order to break us apart but they were all futile.

"So you and your brother are the ones who attacked me? You are both psychopaths who need to go for immediate treatment or wiped from the face of the earth." I boomed.

When did taking someone's life become the solution to gaining love and affection?

My outburst only made her laugh.

"Well, you are the one who is going to be wiped off from the face of the earth." She spoke after her shrills of laughter.

Fear gripped me.

"What exactly do you mean?" I was afraid of what her reply would be.

"Isn't it obvious? You aren't leaving this house alive. I'm going to kill you so I can have Adrian to myself."

She turned around and moved to an old dusty table which held knives....Oh my goodness! What will she do to me?

She brought out a little pocket knife and stabbed my left lap. The pain surged through me and I screamed. Never have I felt this raw pain apart from the attack that led to my coma.

"You can scream all you want. No one can hear you." She turned and left the room through the same staircase and door she came in.

I cried, not because of the pain but because ever since I stepped into Brazil and met Adrian, I have been repeatedly punished for his sake. Is this what they meant by love is wicked? I would never know.

But no matter what I have been through, I would never erase the love I have for Adrian. Being with him has been the best experience of my life till date.
I was willing to risk it all for him.

I will fight for you and you shall hold your peace. -- Exodus chapter 14 verse 14.

...Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. -- Daniel chapter 11 verse 32.

The word of God echoed in my ears and a sudden burst of faith seeped in and I felt invigorated.

I can't die this way. God has so much planned for my future and I can't just leave this world without fulfilling them all.

I bowed my head and with full concentration despite the pain, I prayed.

"Dear Lord, I thank you so much for this situation I'm in. Many people have worse circumstances than I do. But I ask that you help me through this. You haven't brought me this far, only to abandon me. I believe in you and the power you have to save. Please don't abandon me, help me to pull through this and come out victorious in Jesus name I pray. Amen."

After the prayer, I had peace and I waited.

I waited for a miracle because I knew it was bound to happen.

This chapter is short but totally worth it. Never look down on God and never believe your situation is the worst. There are many others who are passing through worse and unimaginable problems than you do.
Keep smiling and keep believing.
'Good things happen to them that wait'
Your time for a great change will soon arrive.

I would gladly cherish it if you can let me in on what your challenges are. If you are too shy to talk about them in the comment section, please send me a private message and I will gladly read and by the grace of God, give you advice on what to do to improve your situation. Please don't be shy, remember 'A problem shared is a problem half solved'

God bless you all in Jesus name. Amen.


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